Dr. José Luis Sevillano explains how vaccinated individuals are being irradiated from the outside and the inside

SEPTEMBER 06, 2021 In a recent program of La Quinta Columna, Dr. José Luis Sevillano explained that, although the population is being irradiated by waves emitted by 5G technology and both inoculated and non-inoculated people are being affected by the radiation emitted by the antennas, those who carry graphene oxide in their bodies are the ones […]

The 5G-airlines crisis was mostly averted. Here’s what happened – and what we still don’t know

January 24, 2022  –  Jackie Wattles and Pete Muntean, CNN US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s flight to Taiwan, which bolstered American support for the island nation but angered China, was the single most heavily tracked flight in the history of the online flight tracking site Flightradar24. Warnings of mass flight cancellations came as AT&T, Verizon […]

Emirates, Other Foreign Airlines Cancel Many US Flights Over 5G Concerns

Kyle Potter– January 18, 2022 The drama between airlines and cell phone networks surrounding the deployment of faster 5G cellular service reached a new pitch Tuesday as several major international carriers announced they’d pause many of their flights to the U.S., citing safety concerns about the new service. The day before AT&T and Verizon were […]

AT&T, Verizon pause some new 5G after airlines raise alarm

AT&T and Verizon will delay launching new wireless service near key airports after the nation’s largest airlines said the service would interfere with aircraft technology and cause widespread flight disruptions.

AT&T, Verizon pause some new 5G after Airlines raise alarm

Jan 18, 2022  – WGN9 Chicago AT&T and Verizon will delay launching new wireless service near key airports after the nation’s largest airlines said the service would interfere with aircraft technology and cause massive flight disruptions.   Airline execs sound alarm on how 5G service could affect planes https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/video/airline-execs-sound-alarm-5g-service-affect-planes-82322485 AT&T, Verizon pause some new 5G […]

Cell Towers on the Ocean Floor

In 2018, on land and in space, preparations to deploy millions of antennas were very publicly being made and advertised, for “5G,” “Smart Cities,” and the “Internet of Things.” At the same time, and without any publicity, governments, research laboratories, and commercial and military interests were collaborating on plans to create “Smart Oceans” and the “Internet of Underwater Things” (IoUT). They did not consult the fishes, whales, dolphins, octopuses, and other inhabitants of those depths.

Global 5G wireless deal threatens weather forecasts

Meteorologists say international standards for wireless technology could degrade crucial satellite measurements of water vapour. Alexandra Witze   22 November 2019 The international agency that regulates global telecommunications agreed to new radio-frequency standards on 21 November. Meteorologists say the long-awaited decision threatens the future of weather forecasting worldwide by allowing transmissions from mobile-phone networks to degrade […]


Health Canada has followed ICNIRP’s lead and has doubled the allowable limits of RF for milliwave frequencies that are or will be used by 5G devices and antennas. Frank Clegg’s Environmental Petition provides all the background, describing the pure negligence of Health Canada in making this outrageous increase to what was already one of the […]

Divided opinions leave 5G service on hold at City Hall

James Snell    Sep 28, 2021 5G wireless service, a cutting-edge technology installed in many cities around the world and a topic of ongoing debate in Winnipeg, may still be a distant dream for those wanting ultra-high speed cellular service. Some Winnipeggers are against 5G – small cell – for supposed health reasons like hypersensitivity to […]

Difference between actual cases and other types of infections

SEPTEMBER 27, 2021     In a brief interview for El Mundo al Rojo, Dr. José Luis Sevillano explained the work carried out to date by La Quinta Columna, and he also answered a question commonly asked by those who are just beginning to learn more about the Spanish team: How to explain ‘contagion’ if there is […]

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