Archive for category Canada

Do Members of Parliament know the Hazards of RF?

Ruimy, a MP from BC thinks that precautions for microwave antennas and health impacts are all “unicorns and fairy dust”.   He has been met by many people from the lower mainland about RF and he still denies the issue, in fact the posting below indicates he is promoting for more antennas and satellites emitting RF. […]

Maple Ridge resident worried about new cell tower

 45-metre structure planned for nearby farm PHIL MELNYCHUK  Jun. 4, 2019 6:00 a.m. Amabile Ranta is worried about a proposal to put 45-metre cellphone tower on a dairy farm on 128th Avenue, near her home in central Maple Ridge. Ranta lives across a field from where the tower would go, is a cancer survivor and is […]

5G Towers verses Community Fibre Optics

A presentation put together by concerned lower mainland residents was recorded at Maple Ridge City Hall.  It talks about the issues with wireless and the coming 5G.  Focus on the safe option of Fibre Optics is covered, mentioning that Community Broadband needs to be Fibre Only and avoid covering neighbourhoods with Small Cells. Various communities in […]

Protesters push public notification on harms of cell tower radiation

Shuswap residents gather for 5G Day of Action in downtown Salmon Arm LACHLAN LABERE   May. 15, 2019 4:00 p.m.   Their voices were loud, their signal clear: the risks associated with cell towers cannot be ignored any longer. “It’s time to listen to science and stop listening to the telecom industry which is pushing… […]

Controversial cell tower proposal in Coombs clears another hurdle

Committee indicates Rogers satisfactorily completed requirements MICHAEL BRIONES May. 15, 2019 2:30 p.m. A towering issue that angered some Coombs residents may soon be considered by the Regional District of Nanaimo for recommendation to the Minister of Innovation, Science, Economic Development for approval. Rogers Communications Inc. has a proposal to erect a 61-metre, self-supported telecommunications […]

Controversial cell tower proposal in Coombs clears another hurdle

Committee indicates Rogers satisfactorily completed requirements MICHAEL BRIONES May. 15, 2019 2:30 p.m. A towering issue that angered some Coombs residents may soon be considered by the Regional District of Nanaimo for recommendation to the Minister of Innovation, Science, Economic Development for approval. Rogers Communications Inc. has a proposal to erect a 61-metre, self-supported telecommunications tower […]

Anti-EMF group resists VHF tower

Islanders bring voices to Trust meeting By Elizabeth Nolan Driftwood Staff  April 25, 2019 An Example of a typical CREST VHF monopole, as seen at the View Royal Fire Hall. Legion property where a CREST communications tower is proposed to be located.   Islanders concerned with the potential health risks of electromagnetic energy are calling […]

Broadband For All: Closing the Digital Divide in BC Without Big Telecom

BC’s remote and coastal communities have a golden opportunity to keep their internet service – and profits – in local hands Claire Gilmore  – April 23, 2019   Many communities across North America are eschewing much-hyped 5G wireless networks to build and operate their own “fiber-to-the-premises,” or wired, networks. BC’s remote and coastal communities now […]

Petition aims to derail proposed cellphone tower in Kelowna

by Global News    April 21, 2019 An online petition claims an 18-meter-high (60 ft) Rogers cell phone tower is slated to be built less than 400 meters from Ellison elementary school. Courtesy:  A proposed cellphone tower in a Kelowna neighbourhood is meeting resistance after residents discovered that its location will be less than […]

E-petition – 5G & WIFI in Canada

Whereas: Wi-Fi systems and 5G technology have very harmful effects on human, animal and environmental health;
Wi-Fi systems and 5G technology seem to be especially harmful to newborns, children, people who are ill and seniors;
5G technology is similar to, but worse than, the problems that have already been linked to early generations of telephones because it uses pulses of waves;

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