Archive for category BC Government

Referendum Initiative Announced – Press Conference

Referendum Initiative Announced. Walt McGinnis and Steve Satow of “” formally and publicly launch the referendum initiative against the BC Liberal’s and BC Hydro’s Smart Meters campaign at this press conference.

High Voltage: Spin & Lies of a Global Energy Grid

by Joyce Nelson The plans have been spun over the decades, but now large corporate players, controlling strategic committees in Washington and Ottawa, are ready to transform the continent and drain Canada of energy – oil, gas, hydro – all without any public involvement except that taxpayers are expected to foot the bill The people […]

Cellphone usage limits urged by Health Canada

The Canadian Press Oct 4, 2011 Parents should encourage children under 18 to limit the time they spend talking on cellphones, Health Canada said Tuesday in new advice on mobile phone usage. The guidance is a nuanced change from previous advice, which suggested that people could limit their use of cellphones if they were […]

Hydro Chief’s Leaked Comments Trash IPPs

  Hydro Chief’s Leaked Comments Trash IPPs ( Independent Power Producers ) – What Will Clark Do Now?   Written by Rafe Mair Saturday, 20 August 2011 21:00 I have called it the Campbell/Clark government because that’s what it is. Premier Clark was in on the beginning of most policies including the disastrous energy plan that […]

CTV : Debate over Smart Meters

Critics question safety of smart meters – BC Hydro is rolling out its new smart meter program this month and there have already been a number of critics questioning the program. The high-tech devices aren’t even installed yet and they’re already stirring up a lot of controversy. Some say they’re an invasion of privacy, while others say it could increase your risk of cancer.

Smart Meter radiation conflicts with WorkSafeBC code

Comments   JULY 18, 2011 Dear Editor: Why is the BC Government requiring all homes to be in conflict with section 5.57 of the Works Safe BC regulations? At the end of May, the World Health Organization/International Association For Research on Cancer (IARC) declared emf, including low levels such as cell phones, as a Group […]

BC Hydro agrees to modify smart-meter program

ROBERT MATAS VANCOUVER— From Thursday’s Globe and Mail Published Wednesday, Jul. 06, 2011 7:01PM EDT  Last updated Wednesday, Jul. 06, 2011 7:03PM EDT BC Hydro is modifying its smart-meter program in response to concerns about exposure to electromagnetic radiation, although Hydro still insists the devices pose no danger to health. “We clearly don’t believe there is a health […]

Health Canada confused about WHO Classification

For distribution July 1, 2011.  Health Canada seems to be confused about the recent WHO/IARC classification of radio frequency electromagnetic fields as a “possible human carcinogen.” Ms Beth Pieterson (Director General, Environment and Radiation Health Services Directorate, Health Canada) stated, “We don’t know the long-term effects of Wi-Fi . . . From all evidence we […]

Why the Precautionary Principle Should but Doesn’t Apply in BC

Monday, 27 June 2011 09:15 Written by Rafe Mair There is a reason that we who want to save our environment are losing the war and may lose it outright unless we gird up our loins and fight to the death, politically speaking. The reason is simple: no government set in authority over us will apply […]

Smart meters present health risks

Published: June 22, 2011 Dear Editor: In July of this year, B.C. Hydro and Fortis will embark upon a $1 billion plus venture to replace every analog hydro meter in the province with a wireless smart electrical meter. For consumers of electricity, who face up to a 50 per cent increase in their electrical utility […]

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