Archive for category British Columbia

BILL C-648

An Act Respecting the Prevention of Potential Health Risks From Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation On Monday January 19th 2015 Oakville Member of Parliament Terence Young announced multi-party support for his Private member’s Bill requiring manufacturers of wireless devices to place health warnings labels on their packaging. Terence Young is known for championing a new Law enacted […]

Chilliwack Smart Meter Fire

Moody Meter Fire Blaze apparently caused by smart meter explosion Friday, January 16, 2015 Staff/Voice photos Chilliwack fire crews were at the scene of a blaze on Moody Ave. apparently caused when a smart meter exploded. uestions have risen over the safety of smart meters after reports that one exploded and caused a fire around […]

First two cell towers rejected under new Langley Township policy

 by  Dan Ferguson – Langley Times posted Jan 13, 2015 at 10:00 AM The first test of a new Langley Township cell tower policy that requires a poll of people near a proposed project did not go well for the phone companies, with the rejection of the first two towers presented under the new rules. Telus wanted to fill in […]

First two cell towers rejected under new Langley Township policy

  by  Dan Ferguson – Langley Times posted Jan 13, 2015 at 10:00 AM The first test of a new Langley Township cell tower policy that requires a poll of people near a proposed project did not go well for the phone companies, with the rejection of the first two towers presented under the new rules. Telus wanted to fill […]

WiFi, meters force longtime residents to move

Faye Carmody / The Star  January 8, 2015 12:00 AM Qualicum Beach – The mayor and his councillors should feel extremely proud of themselves. They sold out by allowing OptikTV into Qualicum Beach, they allowed Shaw to monopolize all of the beautiful streets and beaches with Shaw Open, they allowed Smart Meters into the town, […]

Kamloops family mulls legal action against BC Hydro

By: Dale Bass  January 8, 2015  BC Hydro won’t reconnect a Kamloops family that had its power cut off last month unless the utility is allowed to install a smart meter that can have the radio turned off, for which there is a monthly charge. When the family called BC Hydro, the Crown corporation said that, because […]

FortisBC : Smart Meters are not so smart

Posted: Friday, December 26, 2014 3:07 pm  In response to Ian Dyck’s recent letters supporting FortisBC’s smart meter installations (AMI), Okanagan people need to know that what you can’t see will hurt you. Eminent, independent, non-industry-funded scientists with expertise in the area of electromagnetic radiation have warned us now for many years that: a) long-term, low-level, […]

NDP call for a reduction in fees paid by Meter Choices B.C. Hydro users

December 18, 2014Posted in: BC Hydro VICTORIA – B.C. Hydro’s fees to customers in their Meter Choices program are too high and should be reduced, says New Democrat spokesperson for Hydro, Adrian Dix. “The fees being charged to participants in the Meter Choices program are out of step with what other utilities charge and don’t represent a reasonable […]

Documents Show Navy’s Electromagnetic Warfare Training Would Harm Humans and Wildlife

Monday, 15 December 2014 10:59  By Dahr Jamail, Truthout | Report If the US Navy gets its way, it will begin flying Growler supersonic warplanes over Olympic National Forest and wilderness areas of the Western Olympic Peninsula next September in order to conduct electromagnetic warfare training exercises. As Truthout previously reported, this would entail flying 36 […]

Bennett’s office admits legacy fees are punishment

Bennett’s office admits legacy fees are because we won’t accept smeter — they are punishment!! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!! An admission by Bill Bennett’s office that the legacy fees are punishment and not due to additional services being given those with legacy meters and no one else.  Please see letter below. This is so very significant and I think […]

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