Archive for category Smart Meter

Adrian Dix questioning Bill Bennett re. extortion fees

Hansard excerpts, Adrian Dix ineffectually “questioning” Bill Bennett re. extortion fees, the amounts, not the fact that they are extortion. Bennett is allowed to obfuscate and mislead, e.g. the cost estimates given to BCUC said that the more people who opted out, the cheaper it would be per household. Now Bennett is saying the opposite.   […]

Smart meter opt-out fees rescinded in Arizona, commissioners fearing liability

18 April 2015 at 9:43am   by Warren Woodward Extortive “opt-out” fees have been rescinded in Arizona.  At a meeting last Monday, and after spending an hour in “executive session” privately discussing the issue with their lawyers, the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) rescinded the decision they made last December to allow APS to charge an extortion […]

FIRES – Freedom of Information Requests

The Director of the Coalition to Stop Smart Meters  is attempting to gather information pertaining to potential smart meter fires and failures. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIP Act) allows the public to obtain information regarding governmental agencies to determine if they are operating within the parameters of the law,  how they are using our […]

Utilities rank highest for risk of data breaches

by Barbara Vergetis Lundin – Smart Grid News – April 15, 2015: Although utilities cannot predict a cyberattack, there is no question that they should at least be ready. Security rating company BitSight Technologies has released a report in which utilities rank the worst — warning of the threat of botnets and examining the link […]

LETTERS: Fortis offers smart meter opt-out

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR  posted Apr 14, 2015 at 12:00 PM For customers wanting to opt out of having the wireless function of the installed smart meter not turned on, the cost is a one-time only fee of $60. You must apply now to Fortis as the cost will increase to $88 after installation begins in this area […]

BC Hydro rate increases hurting schools, says NDP

Government says schools must ‘pay their share’ for electricity, but NDP says it means cuts to education CBC News Posted: Apr 06, 2015 1:12 PM PT Last Updated: Apr 06, 2015 4:57 PM PT Adrian Dix said schools already struggling to find money, including Renfrew Elementary in East Vancouver, are being squeezed by BC Hydro rate increases. […]

Who needs Hydro? Not Rotraut

posted Mar 17, 2015 at 9:00 PM Rotraut Knopp made headlines last year by refusing to pay her BC Hydro legacy fee.  She made it through the entire winter without BC Hydro power and she says she’ll never go back. Erin Haluschak – Record Staff Rotraut Knopp is looking forward to sunnier skies — literally. The […]

Ontario plans to Protest Smart Meters

  Enough Is Enough – Hydro One Protest Queens Park, Toronto  5/13/2015     Enough Is Enough – Hydro One Protest Kingston,  March 21, 2015     Enough is Enough – Facebook Group  

Smart meter draws negative reactions from all over B.C.

Response from all over B.C. to our story about a smart meter installation at a local Montessori school was so voluminous that we present here a representative sample. Langley Advance  March 17, 2015 10:45 AM Editor’s note: While it is the Langley Advance’s policy to give precedence to letters from local writers, the response from all […]

“Media Blackout on Smart Meter Dangers” Wins Project Censored Award

March 12, 2015 James Tracy’s story, “Health Impact of RF Radiation: Media Blackout on Smart Meter Dangers,” published at Memory Hole Blog and by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, editor of Global Research, in January 2014, was nominated by student researchers and faculty evaluators working with Project Censored at San Francisco State University and Sonoma State University […]

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