Archive for category Smart Meter

Smart Meter or NO Power at All? Nevada Energy Sends Three Armed Men to Disconnect Power- Just for ‘Opting Out’ Read the Full Story Here   Nevada Smart Meters

BC Human Rights Tribunal approves Smart Meter Class Action

On August 28, 2012, the BCHRT issued a decision approving a representative complaint (akin to a class action) against BC Hydro on behalf of “those persons allegedly diagnosed with electromagnetic hypersensitivity and who have been advised to avoid exposure to wireless technology”.   A copy of the Tribunal’s decision is available at: The Tribunal approved […]

China has hacked every major US company

Cybersecurity advisor Richard Clarke is warning the U.S. that its major companies are being regularly infiltrated by Chinese hackers employed by the Chinese government to steal R&D. By Emil Protalinski | March 27, 2012 Richard Clarke, a former cybersecurity and cyberterrorism advisor for the White House, was a U.S. government employee for 30 years: between […]

Maintenance call ignites emotional standoff

Maintenance call ignites emotional standoff About ten of us tried to talk the owners out of accepting the smart  meter after their meter glass cracked and Hydro insisted they didn’t  have any more analogue or digital meters left to replace it. The  owners were insistent that they didn’t want a smart meter (they even had a […]

Home has TWO FIRES from Smart Meter

Hydro refuses to pay for two fires, first after a smart meter was installed, and a second replacement smart meter triggered a second fire. All the appliances were damaged.

Restaurant offers discount to Phone-Free diners

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) — A Los Angeles restaurant is offering a deal to customers who agree to look at their fellow diners instead of their phone screens. Eva Restaurant is giving a 5 percent discount to customers who will leave their cellphones with staff when they are seated. Owner Mark Gold told KPCC radio […]

Toronto Doctor treats EHS patients

No end to debate over Wi-Fi health effects as Toronto doctor treats hypersensitive patients By Steve Mertl | Daily Brew – Mon, 13 Aug, 2012 CBC photo. Could the guys in the tinfoil hats be right? As society’s dependence on wireless technologies grows, the concern that there are health risks attached to the saturation of the […]

Taking Back Our Power

Letter to Editor, Gulf Islands Driftwood July 30, 2012 This will attempt to correct misinformation presented in a “Viewpoint” article which apparently relied on government and industry information to claim that radiofrequency/microwave radiation – EMR – is supposedly safe. This is also to refute some of the misrepresentation found in the letter to the editor […]

Taiwan removal of 1500 Cell Towers

MBABANE – Taiwanese legislators ordered the removal of 1 500 mobile phone masts stating that homes and schools must not be exposed to the risk of radiation. The radiation emitted by mobile phone base stations could cause cancer, miscarriages, and could even drive people to suicide. The action by the Taiwanese government was one of […]

The Rise of the Smart Grid

Obama’s plan for a state-of-the-art electrical grid is gaining power bit by digital bit By MICHAEL GRUNWALD | July 26, 2012 Washington, America’s power center, recently experienced life without power—the kind that gets generated, not the kind that gets wielded. After a nasty storm knocked out the Beltway’s electricity for days during a heat […]

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