Archive for category 5G

5G Rally in Vancouver Jan 25 2020

On Saturday Jan 25th, 2020 – 240 Cities around the world held Rallies against 5G       5G Rally March to CBC Vancouver   5G Rally March to Telus Vancouver 5         Check out more of the 240 5G Protests around the World  

Is 5G a health hazard? Depends on who you ask

  By: Martin Cash | Posted: 01/23/2020   Considering the preponderance of extreme weather, new potential health epidemics and the existential threat of the climate crisis, there may be a tendency to think of the increasingly robust global wireless telecommunications network as benign. G(eneration) primer 1G – Analog technology from the 1980s, speeds of 2.4 […]

Montreal Radio : Are you worried about the impact of 5G technology on your health?

Êtes-vous inquiets de l’impact de la technologie 5G sur votre santé ? ( Are you worried about the impact of 5G technology on your health? ) Publié le 22 janv. 2020 à 11h34 24 minute Interview (French)  98.5 FM Paul Héroux, professeur agrégé à la faculté de médecine de l’Université  Mc Gill, il enseigne la […]

Telecoms win Calgary court fight with big implications for 5G rollout

  The judgment comes as cities and telecoms rework their relationships for the shift to small cells from traditional 50-metre cell towers October 23, 2018 – Emily Jackson – Canada’s four largest telecommunications companies’ won a court battle with the City of Calgary over using city property for telecom infrastructure, access that’s increasingly critical […]

Rogers rolls out 5G wireless networks in major Canadian cities

ALEXANDRA POSADZKI – THE GLOBE AND MAIL DARREN CALABRESE/THE CANADIAN PRESSJan 15 2020Rogers Communications Inc. is beginning to roll out fifth-generation wireless networks in the downtown cores of several major Canadian cities as the country’s telecom sector gears up for the global race to deploy 5G technology.Rogers is the first of Canada’s Big Three telecom companies […]


08-01-2020 EHTRUST This 5G awareness poster by Electrosensitivity UK has been banned by the Ads Council. It is the second poster on the health impact of wireless banned by the Ads Council despite the hundreds of scientific papers provided to the Ads Council. The ruling on the 5G poster can be found here ASA […]

Swiss Citizens Take to the Streets to Protest 5G Implementation as New Illnesses Start at Same Time

Health Impact News If you want to get an idea of what will happen in the U.S. when the telecom companies start rolling out 5G networks with new towers in your local neighborhood, take a look at what is happening in Switzerland today, where 90% of the population is now exposed to the new 5G […]

What AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile don’t want you to know about their 5G deployments

by Monica Alleven | Jan 2, 2020 10:51am   For all the talk about 5G, operators still prefer to keep some things to themselves, such as exactly how many 5G cell sites they’re deploying. Sure, they’ll make broad statements about their investments and intentions to eventually blanket the country with 5G. When it launched its 5G […]

5G Danger : 13 Reasons why 5G Technology will be a Disaster for Humanity

06/01/2020 / AMBASSADOR21 The dangers of 5G cannot be stressed enough. 5G is now being actively deployed in many cities around the world. At the same time as awareness of dire health and privacy concerns is increasing, many cities are imposing moratoriums on 5G or simply banning it, such as the whole of Belgium, the […]

FCC Investigating After Apple iPhone’s Failed The Radiation Testing

Often, we are told that concerning ourselves over technological radio frequencies is playing into the hands of rabid conspiracy theorists. Whether your concern is Wifi signals, or 5G health risks, or cell phone emissions, it’s all lumped in a basket of paranoia that’s unfounded by science. That, at least, is what the experts have us believe. […]

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