Archive for category 5G

Cell phone tower shut down at elementary school after eight kids are diagnosed with cancer in ‘mysterious’ cluster

The affected students at Weston Elementary School in Ripon are all under the age of 10 They each have different types of cancer: brain, kidney, liver and lymphoma  There is scant evidence that cell phone towers pose a real risk to humans But even skeptics say the number of cases in this cluster is unusual […]

Fiber broadband, seen as a complex Trojan horse

Wed, 03/20/2019 – 8:54am By B. Blake Levitt The Northwest Hills Council of Governments, urged by the well-intentioned local group Northwest ConneCT, is encouraging towns to embrace fiber broadband in their new plans of conservation and development and build out fiber as soon as possible. Towns can already own fiber networks for non-commercial use. But […]

What’s Causing Cancer In Ripon California?

Lawyers looking at Nestlé groundwater contamination; cell tower as possible causes GLENN KAHL Manteca Bulletin Updated: April 4, 2019, 12:33 a.m. Ripon parents determined to find the cause of cancer in four children and three adults gathered Wednesday in a town hall-style meeting. They heard from lawyers who are looking into the defunct Nestlé Food […]

Portland Officials Attempt To Block 5G Network Installation Over Health Risks

Jim Satney March 24, 2019 Portland, Oregon city officials are setting up to run opposition to the installation of 5G networks around the city. The initiative is supported by Mayor Ted Wheeler and two commissioners, Amanda Fritz, and Chloe Eudaly. The city feels that 5G health risks are not well enough understood to warrant installations. […]

Millimeter Waves Travel More Than 10 Kilometers in Rural Virginia 5G Experiment

Previous experiments have focused on cities, because millimeter waves were thought to be of limited use to rural residents By Amy Nordrum Photo: Hangsong YanYunchou Xing (left) and George MacCartney (right) adjust the horn antenna of their receiver to find the strongest signal during a millimeter wave measurement campaign in August. They are within line […]

Why 5G Makes Me Reconsider The Health Effects Of Cellphones

  THOMAS PETER/REUTERS SUSAN CRAWFORD  04.01.19 07:00 AM OVER THE PAST couple of weeks, I’ve been reading The Uninhabitable Earth. The author, David Wallace-Wells, had me from his first sentence (“It is worse, much worse, than you think“). Wallace-Wells has done us all the great favor of clearly laying out incontestable evidence for what global warming will […]

Mother of All Crimes – “5G” Technology!

by James G. (“Jerry”) Flynn  – March 21 2019   Mainstream News Media No crime of this magnitude with its long history could possibly happen without the knowledge and cooperation of mainstream news media! In 2016 it was said that: “Once there were 88 media companies, now there are only six (6), all owned by the […]

Wired To Deliver: New Site Promotes Community Fiber Not Industry-Driven 5G

2019/03/18 LINDA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:   [email protected] WIRED TO DELIVER: New Site Promotes Community Fiber not Industry-Driven 5G While last week’s launch of the federal spectrum auction gave the green light to 5G in Canada, many communities across North America are choosing to build and operate their own fiber-to-the-premises networks. An innovative new Canadian […]

Behind the scenes of the Trump campaign’s 5G network plan

David McCabe, Jonathan Swan, Kim Hart updated Mar 3, 2019 People close to Trump and a politically connected private company have, for months, been laying out the broad outlines of the plan to create a national wholesale 5G network in op-eds and tweets — which the Trump campaign was then forced to walk back, following […]

Finland ironically becomes latest front in global 5G health battle

  JEREMY HORWITZ@HORWITZ MARCH 12, 2019 8:13 AM   Finland has played a large role in developing and deploying 5G cellular technologies. Now a small group of Finnish citizens is trying to stop the spread of 5G base stations, suggesting that their higher levels of electromagnetic radiation may threaten human health. Currently backed by over […]

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