Archive for category 5G

Dr. Martin Pall predicts end of humanity in 5-7 Years

Please listen to Dr. Martin Pall’s chilling information about “non-ionizing radiation” and what can happen if 5G is not stopped. Deterioration of cognitive capabilities is irreversible (unless humans are completely different from mice in the studies) and likewise sterility/infertility. (and not just humanity, of course) This interview played on KPFA’s Your Own Health and Fitness […]

5G Wireless Connectivity Coming To Sacramento Late Summer 2018 posted May 29, 2018  by the City of Sacramento The deployment of safe, federally compliant, super high-speed wireless 5G connectivity to the internet for Sacramento residents is coming late summer 2018. Last year, Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg joined Verizon in announcing that one of their first commercial launches of fifth-generation – or 5G – […]

Huawei and Telus test fixed 5G in homes, paving way for Canadian rollout

JEREMY HORWITZ@HORWITZ    FEBRUARY 14, 2018 7:05 AM Facing restrictions in the United States due to national security concerns, China’s leading smartphone maker Huawei announced today that Canadian carrier Telus is live-testing Huawei 5G equipment in Vancouver homes. The companies’ in-home testing is said to be the first of its kind in North America, bringing 5G from the “lab […]

5G Phone with 16 ANTENNAS

With all the talk about 5G small cell antennas being tested in California, Vancouver and other areas, people must be wondering : What antenna systems are going to be inside these new 5G Phones?    “5G capable smartphones, when they arrive, will be packed with features – including as many as sixteen antennas to help transmit lots […]

Ottawa’s worries grow over Huawei’s global ambitions; Canada to discuss united front on U.S. auto tariffs

Finally, Canada is taking notice of Huawei, which has provided all the transmitters for Telus’s microcells and is a partner in the pilot projects for 5G in Vancouver.  Why has it taken so long for Ottawa to even notice that this Chinese agent is involved in our infrastructure? Who knows what else they are involved […]

Washington City Plots Course to 5G

An agreement between telecoms and Spokane Valley could mean small cell antennas throughout the city and faster Internet speeds. BY AMY EDELEN, THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW / MARCH 12, 2018 SHUTTERSTOCK (TNS) — Spokane Valley is laying the groundwork for fifth generation wireless communication technology, and with it, a new stage in telecommunications. City officials are planning to enter agreements […]

Firefighters Suffer Brain Damage Following Contact With 5G Cell Towers

reports of adverse effects from 5G come just days after major university study By: Riva Mendoza  |@NeonNettle on 13th July 2018 Firefighters in Sacramento, CA have reported brain damage including severe memory problems and confusion following the installation of new 5G cell towers outside the city fire station.The reports of adverse effects from 5G come just days […]

Small Cells in Ontario

For the last few years Bell has been installing Small Cell Antennas (eNodeB) 4G LTE around southern Ontario.  People concerned about the high levels of microwave radiation were waiting for information from others concerned in Ontario, however the locations where Bell was testing these new antennas were seldom in the same areas.  While investigating another […]

Canadian government plans 5G future with 2018-2022 spectrum release timeline

The high-priority bands include 600MHz and 28GHz mmWave spectrum By Rose Behar  JUN 6, 2018    The Canadian government has published its playbook for the next five years of wireless spectrum releases. Considering both international developments and domestic demand, the 2018-2022 outlook plots a course for when certain high-priority spectrum bands may be auctioned off to […]

Toronto Waterfront to become 5G Smart City

    Alphabet will start Toronto Smart City Project this Summer.  Residents still have Questions. April 10, 2018 Toronto’s about to get the “world’s first neighborhood built from the internet-up,” according to the company behind the project. Residents, though, aren’t totally sold on the idea. Reuters reports that Google’s parent company, Alphabet, and its “urban innovation […]

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