Archive for category BCHYDRO

Disconnected without power after BC Hydro Smart Meter dispute

Posted date: October 31, 2014 A Fanny Bay woman will spend her second night without power after BC Hydro disconnected her service on Thursday.  The 71 year-old is one of dozens of people in the Comox Valley who refused to give up their analog metre. She also refused to pay a monthly charge for someone to […]

FortisBC : Smart Meters are not so smart

Posted: Friday, December 26, 2014 3:07 pm  In response to Ian Dyck’s recent letters supporting FortisBC’s smart meter installations (AMI), Okanagan people need to know that what you can’t see will hurt you. Eminent, independent, non-industry-funded scientists with expertise in the area of electromagnetic radiation have warned us now for many years that: a) long-term, low-level, […]

NDP call for a reduction in fees paid by Meter Choices B.C. Hydro users

December 18, 2014Posted in: BC Hydro VICTORIA – B.C. Hydro’s fees to customers in their Meter Choices program are too high and should be reduced, says New Democrat spokesperson for Hydro, Adrian Dix. “The fees being charged to participants in the Meter Choices program are out of step with what other utilities charge and don’t represent a reasonable […]

Bennett’s office admits legacy fees are punishment

Bennett’s office admits legacy fees are because we won’t accept smeter — they are punishment!! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!! An admission by Bill Bennett’s office that the legacy fees are punishment and not due to additional services being given those with legacy meters and no one else.  Please see letter below. This is so very significant and I think […]

BC Hydro cuts off power to home of defiant senior

by  Erin Haluschak – Comox Valley Record posted Nov 3, 2014 at 8:00 PM Rotraut Knopp lights candles in her Ships Point home Friday, after power was cut off following her refusal to pay a monthly legacy fee to BC Hydro to retain her analog meter. Rotraut Knopp has extra oil for her lamps on hand, an assortment of […]

BC’s energy minister admits Smart Meter FIRES… but will do nothing

JULY 30, 2014     For immediate release  Energy Minister Bill Bennett admits to smart meter fires in British Columbia, but rather than do anything, he expresses disappointment that Saskatchewan is taking action to protect its citizens. On July 30 Saskatchewan Energy Minister Bill Boyd called a halt to the smart meter program, demanding removal of 105,000 meters […]

Tribunal ends anti-Smart Meter case

By Jane Deacon  September 28, 2014 2:29:25 PDT PM An anti-Smart Meter group will continue its fight against BC Hydro despite a Human Rights Tribunal decision to dismiss its discrimination complaint last week. Citizens of Safe Technology Society will refocus efforts on a civil claim – scheduled to come before B.C.’s Supreme Court next April – that […]

Manufacturer defends smart meters after fires

REGINA – The company that manufactures the electricity meters that are being replaced in Saskatchewan due to fires is defending its equipment. Sensus, the North Carolina-based company whose smart meters have been linked to eight fires in Saskatchewan homes, says in a news release it has conducted lab tests and site inspections at the recent […]

SaskPower ordered to remove all Smart Meters in the province

SaskPower removing smart meters Wed, Jul 30  2014 A major development for the troublesome SaskPower smart meters. The government is ordering the crown utility to remove each of the 105 thousand units already installed in the province. It comes after eight reported fires linked to smart meters. Mike McKinnon explains how much this is going […]

Rally Coverage – June 2014

Vancouver / Burnaby Rally    Victoria Rally    Nanaimo Rally   Powell River More Coverage at   Courtney Rally   Nelson Rally  

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