Archive for category Graphene Oxide

A DARPA Funder Implantable BioChip to Detect COVID-19 : Could hit markets by 2021

An experimental new vaccine developed jointly with the US government claims to be able to change human DNA and could be deployed as early as next year through a DARPA-funded, injectable biochip. Sept 17, 2020  by Raul Diego The most significant scientific discovery since gravity has been hiding in plain sight for nearly a decade […]

Microwaving Graphene

Just one second in the microwave could be the key to high-quality graphene Sep 12, 2016 – Tod Bates, Science Communicator, Rutgers University –  World Economic Forum (WEF) Engineers have found a simple method for producing high-quality graphene: bake the compound in a microwave oven. “This is a major advance in the graphene field,” says […]

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