Archive for category implant

Antennas emitting wireless MAC Address at microscopic level

Research from various groups around the world, focused on nano antennas, WBAN, IoB (Internet of Bodies), wireless emissions, smart cities and health effects. Images show small nano wireless antennas in the blood   video source   Other resources on the subject :   source source source source source     […]

Graphene and 5G

    The Tangled Fate of Graphene and 5G These two technologies have long been hyped, and proponents of each are finally starting to work together By Dexter Johnson  19 Mar 2018 Graphene has been heralded as a “wonder material” for well over a decade now, and 5G has been marketed as the next […]

Dr Pierre Gilbert : Magnetic Vaccines ( 1995 )

  ” In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields, What will follow is the contamination of the blood streams of mankind creating intentional infections. This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory.” ” And these vaccines will make possible to control people.  The vaccines will have Liquid Crystals […]

Luciferase Chain Reaction to ID2020

By Rosanne Lindsay, ND  |  July 22nd, 2020  Put down the mask. The mask is a tool of conditioning, a temporary distraction from the new technology. Biometric bioluminescence. Bioluminescence is a “cold light” that derives from a chemical reaction within a living organism. Cold light means less than 20% of the light generates thermal radiation, or […]

RFID : Military programs aiming to end pandemics forever

  April 11 2021  – 60 Minutes CBS Bill Whitaker reports on the Pentagon projects that helped combat COVID-19 and may help end pandemics forever.   It might surprise you to learn that many of the innovations deployed to counter the coronavirus were once obscure Pentagon-funded projects to defend soldiers from contagious diseases and biological […]

A DARPA Funder Implantable BioChip to Detect COVID-19 : Could hit markets by 2021

An experimental new vaccine developed jointly with the US government claims to be able to change human DNA and could be deployed as early as next year through a DARPA-funded, injectable biochip. Sept 17, 2020  by Raul Diego The most significant scientific discovery since gravity has been hiding in plain sight for nearly a decade […]

RFID Nano 2.5GHZ Chips   Hitachi Develops a New RFID with Embedded Antenna μ-Chip Makes Possible Wireless Links that Work Using Nothing More Than a 0.4mm X 0.4mm Chip, One of the World’s Smallest ICs   Nanochips and smart dust – dangerous new face of human microchipping agenda Nanochips and Smart Dust are the new technological means […]

Patent for Cryptocurrency system : Human recognition and Wireless Communication

April 18, 2020     Microsoft Patent 060606 – Body interfaced digital currency What are the chances a device on the body that is used for digital translations would have a patent number 060606? Also, Microsoft patented this on March 26th of this year. The full patent id is WO/2020/060606.   “THE BLACK BOX (COMPUTERS) […]

ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines

Sep 20, 2019 | Chris Burt The ID2020 Alliance has launched a new digital identity program at its annual summit in New York, in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh, vaccine alliance Gavi, and new partners in government, academia, and humanitarian relief. The program to leverage immunization as an opportunity to establish digital identity was […]

5G in disguise, with the microchip transhumanism advances (cleared through the front pages of newspapers!)

  26 NOVEMBER 2019   OASISANA by Maurizio Martucci It is now clear: we are under attack! Humanity, indeed the human race is under attack. At the hands of theories in disguise passed off as unavoidable progress, future and forced technology that cannot be avoided if we do not want to return to the Middle Ages […]

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