Concerned citizens will be travelling to Victoria to demonstrate opposition to the BC Hydro plan at the B.C. Legislature on Wednesday, JUNE 1st 2011 at 12 noon.

At the same time, Energy Critic John Horgan, MLA, and Sue Hammel, MLA, are presenting petitions with hundreds of signatures to the Legislative Assembly, demanding a halt to the smart metering and infrastructure program, before the session ends on Thursday, June 2nd

Hydro’s smart meters are massive blunders

SURREY NOW MAY 31, 2011 7:06 AM The Editor, Recently, a new kid has appeared on the technological block. And, oh joy, Surrey could likely be one of BC Hydro’s seven provincial “hubs” for this technology. BC Hydro’s misguided plan to deploy wireless “smart meters” throughout B.C. is being inaccurately promoted as a “green initiative” and […]


The WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer has just issued it’s decision that non-ionizing radiofrequency radiation is classified as a 2B (Possible) Carcinogen. This mirrors the 2001 IARC finding that extremely low frequency (ELF-EMF) that classified as a 2B (Possible) Carcinogen.  This pertained to power frequency (power line and appliance) non-ionizing radiation. These two […]

Parent explains why he pulled his children out of school over Wi-Fi concerns

Barrie man speaks to Kawartha Safe Technology meeting By KENNEDY GORDON/Examiner Staff Writer May 30 2011 When Rodney Palmer took his young son out of school, the principal demanded a doctor’s note — and threatened to have Palmer taken to court. Palmer produced a note, only to find the school refusing to accept it and […]

Smart meters set to roll out in Kamloops

MAY 27, 2011 BY CAM FORTEMS DAILY NEWS STAFF REPORTER Kamloops will be one of seven provincial hubs for BC Hydro’s billion-dollar smart metering program set to roll out this fall. The Crown corporation has started an advertising campaign in markets across B.C., including here, to prepare homeowners for new meters with capabilities it says […]

Customers win Rights to Choose from Opt-out Options

MPUC votes to require smart meter opt-out program for consumers – May 18, 2011 Source:  Maine Public Utilities Commission The Maine Public Utilities Commission voted to require Central Maine Power (CMP) to offer an opt-out program for customers who choose not to have a standard smart meter installed as part of CMP’s smart meter […]

New Studies Confirm Cell Phone Hazards “Stunning proof” ignored in North America, scientists say

05/23/2011 Mark Huffman | Since the days when cell phones were the size of bricks, there has been debate over the safety of these devices, which use radio waves to transmit voice and data. A number of studies, stretching back more than a decade, have suggested extended cell phone exposure increases the risk of […]

Rogers formally withdrew Tower Application

For Immediate Release The impossible has happened. After about seven months of fierce opposition by residents of both Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam, by the PAC of Coquitlam River Elementary, and by the school board 43 itself, Rogers formally withdrew their application. It was announced during a regular council meeting on Tuesday, May 24th. A letter […]

Radiation from Hydro’s Smart Meters may be too dangerous

BY SUSAN FLETCHER, VANCOUVER SUN MAY 26, 2011 A wireless Smart Meter (SM), the type mandated for all BC Hydro customers, emits one hundred times the radiation of a cellphone. That’s the conclusion of nuclear expert, Daniel Hirsch, after finding flaws in a report to the California legislature which claimed Smart Meter radiation is 100 […]

No faith those meters are really ‘smart’

A letter-writer suggests that the “smart meters” B.C. Hydro is installing in homes are both unsafe and insecure, as a result of the wireless technology the meters employ. Photograph by: Bill Keay, Postmedia News, Times Colonist B.C. Hydro’s ad promoting the “smart meters” it plans to install in July claimed they will keep rates lower. […]

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