Smart meters should be matter of choice

by Sue Earle, Salt Spring Island – Times Colonist Life section – May 21, 2011: B.C. Hydro is installing smart meters around B.C., and Saltspring has been targeted for blanket installations. We are opposed to this, as our own experience, as well as much research, shows that this wireless technology has a deleterious effect […]

Port Coquitlam Council listens to public about Tower

— For immediate release — Thursday, May 19th, at 4pm, around twenty concerned parents and citizens from Port Coquitlam and Coquitlam gathered in front of the Port Coquitlam City Hall to send a clear and unmistakeable message to the council that they are unwilling to sacrifice their park space for cell towers and endanger the […]

Health Problems to Come I am a 56-year-old wife and mother. I do not use wireless technologies/microwave. I have had multiple chemical sensitivities for 19 years and I am very worried about wireless smart meters that will fill my home and neighbourhood with electro-magnetic radiation 24/7. Wireless technologies proliferate without using the precautionary principle: “if an action or […]

Smart meter Omissions

Gulf Islands Driftwood – Letters Published: May 18, 2011 10:00 AM Re: “Smart meters safe” letter, May 11 Driftwood. Interesting comment by Dr. John Blatherwick regarding safe smart meters. I notice he doesn’t mention the considerable communications industry influence on the World Health Organization, Health Canada and with former industry executives working for these supposedly “health […]

Beware of wireless smart meters and effects

Dear Editor, Oliver Chronicle : May 18th 2011 Recently I have learned that FortisBC plans to replace our power meters with a wireless meter.  The new meters will be able to read the amount of electrical use of all appliances and outlets in our home every few minutes throughout the day. This wireless radiation will […]

BC Hydro increase 30% by 2014

According to the BCUC report, BC Hydro plans to increase costs to the customers in order to help cover the expenses of their questionable Smart Meter Program. The concerned public is not aware of what is going on, due to details being buried in tons of paperwork.  Could it have something to do with the […]

Ban mobile phones and wireless networks in schools, say European leaders Mobile phones and computers with wireless internet connections pose a risk to human health and should be banned from schools, a powerful European body has ruled. Mobile phones and wireless networks should be banned in school, a European body has ruled. Photo: REX FEATURES By Richard Gray, Science Correspondent 9:30PM BST 14 May 2011   527 […]

The SmartMeter backfiring privacy issue

Posted on May 12, 2011 by Anthony Watts The promise was to help you control your electricity bill by becoming more aware of your energy use. The downside is that with the data gathered, other people and businesses can also become more aware of your habits, like when you go to work, go on vacation, […]

Cellphone towers draw Lower Mainland opposition May 9, 2011 8:36 PM PT Proposed new cellphone towers are drawing opposition from residents of Port Coquitlam and Surrey concerned about possible negative effects on health and property values. Cascadia Tower Inc. is making an application before Surrey city council to build two towers in Cloverdale. Area resident Claire Smith says if the […]

Concerns about new Tower beside Alzheimers Centre

Citizens of Surrey BC neighbourhood attended a meeting Thursday night about the cell tower proposed by Cascadia Tower Inc, to be built beside the Czorny Alzheimer’s Centre on 168 Street in Surrey.   Morrey Fin of Cascadia Tower was invited to attend as one of the invited speakers, yet did not attend this meeting. Documents […]

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