5 New Antennas proposed for West Vancouver

Bill Soprovich, West Vancouver councillor, has said that there is an open house being put on by Rogers regarding five towers in residential areas of West Vancouver next week. Bill is the leading councillor in Metro Vancouver in bringing attention to the EMF issue, having helped to write West Van’s tower siting bylaw back in […]

Renters with no voice over Smart Meters

The hydro companies and the Smart Meters projects are not considering people that are renting and have health issues, are they going to change the meters every time someone with sensitivity moves to a different location? And what about renters with a pace maker and other issues? And what about our freedom of choice of just not wanting a […]

Smart meters aren’t a bright idea

THE TIMES JUNE 9, 2011 Editor, the Times: BC Hydro has been hitting the hustings lately with the message that its wireless smart meter program will save us money – it won’t. And that we need it – we don’t. Where the utility company introduced it in California, the residential rates went up by as […]

Health Canada is obliged to go back to the drawing board

What does this mean for Canadians? June 5, 2011.  The World Health Organization classifies radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic.  What does this mean for Canadians? After a week-long meeting in Lyon, France, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)—an arm of the World Health Organization (WHO)—classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (otherwise known as radiofrequency radiation […]

Face to Face with BC Hydro SmartMeters

Victoria Community TV Presents: Face to Face with BC Hydro SmartMeters Starting as soon as this summer the BC government is going to put a powerful wireless transmitter ON YOUR HOUSE.  At a cost of One Billion Dollars.  For no good reason. We talk to Walt McGinnis about the dangers of all wireless technology — including the ability of Hydro and other hackers […]

Smart meters needs to be investigated

by Larry Dashchuk, Port Alberni Times Alberni Valley June 03, 2011: www2.canada.com/albernivalleytimes/news/opinion/story.html?id=8df01d8c-7dd7-40d6-b353-080ddc0fda85&p=1 Recently our B.C. government has given B.C. Hydro the green light to install smart meters on every home in B.C. this summer. What is a smart meter? It is B.C. Hydro’s new power metering device which they plan to replace our existing analog […]

HST, smart meters will determine future of democracy

JOHN O’CONNOR NEWS EDITOR  June 2nd 2011 Premier Christy Clark said on the campaign trail last year that she wanted to give the people of British Columbia the choice of whether or not to scrap the HST. Now, she still claims to be offering that choice through a referendum, set for June 24, yet how free […]

Smart meters too smart at stealing our privacy

BY CHARLES BUETTNER, THE PROVINCE JUNE 1, 2011 Anyone concerned about their privacy needs to be concerned about the rollout of smart meters. A Cambridge University study on smart meters reported that the Danish government put a moratorium on smart meters because of complaints over the privacy issues they presented. I recently read that B.C.’s […]

More Questions than Answers on Potential Danger of Water Meters

http://www.kamloopsnews.ca/article/20110205/KAMLOOPS0304/302059992/-1/kamloops/guest-column-more-questions-than-answers-on-potential-danger-of February 5, 2011 By SHAWN BUCKLEY Lawyer specializing in natural health On Jan. 11, I started a debate on the potential danger of the new water meters that the City is installing. My intention in seeking information on the new meters was simply to satisfy myself that they are not going to present a […]

Press Release – Prime Minister of Canada urged to protect Canadians

Prime Minister of Canada urged to protect Canadians-

Starting yesterday, microwave radiation from cell phones, cordless phones,Wi-Fi, smart meters and other wireless consumer devices and infrastructure is officially labeled by the World Health Organization to be a Possible Carcinogen, in the same category as Lead and DDT.

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