Smart meters are a bad idea Gulf Islands Driftwood – Opinion Viewpoint – Smart meters are a bad idea By Contributed Opinion – Gulf Islands Driftwood Published: May 04, 2011 10:00 AM By DULCY WILSON I am very concerned about BC Hydro installing smart meters all over Salt Spring Island. I think it is a very bad idea for many […]

The Smart Meter Rebellion

By Rosalind Peterson May 3, 2011 Across the United States a quiet rebellion is starting to gain momentum as reports about SMART METERS have begun to find their way into to local newspapers, radio, and television news. In California, as Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E), began to roll-out their SMART Meter installation program, […]

Smart meters bring Big Brother era

BY BARBARA KNIGHT, TIMES COLONIST  Victoria BC MAY 3, 2011 This is not 1984, but with the installation of “smart meters” in our homes that date is quietly approaching. We are under surveillance at intersections, financial institutions, most stores, hospitals, places of leisure and entertainment. When we escape to the privacy of our own home […]

Privacy watchdog keeps an eye on BC Hydro smart meters

ROBERT MATAS VANCOUVER— From Friday’s Globe and Mail Published Thursday, Apr. 28, 2011 10:00PM EDT British Columbia’s Privacy Commissioner is quietly working with BC Hydro to ensure its new smart meter program protects the extensive amount of personal information that will be collected. The $930-million program to replace electromechanical hydro meters with digital meters […]

A Dumb Way to Introduce Smart Meters ROBERT MATAS VANCOUVER— From Thursday’s Globe and Mail Published Wednesday, Apr. 27, 2011 10:27PM EDT Last updated Wednesday, Apr. 27, 2011 10:41PM EDT The Smart Metering Program will pay for itself through reduced theft of electricity, energy savings and operating efficiencies, and deliver $520-million in benefits over 20 years. – B.C. Hydro, in a […]

Cell tower proceeds without council blessing Langley Times – News By Natasha Jones – Langley Times Published: April 21, 2011 1:00 PM Updated: April 21, 2011 4:00 PM Residents who opposed a cell phone tower in their rural east Murrayville neighbourhood had the backing of Township council, which refused to endorse Bell Mobility’s plan to erect a 164-foot monopole in […]

Meter usage hardly smart

Peace Arch News Published: April 22, 2011 8:00 AM Editor: Re: Province going Gaga over smart meters, March 16. Columnist Tom Fletcher uses hateful insults and scientific half-truths to argue that smart meters are not a health hazard. The thousands of people who have complained of neurological and immunological symptoms caused by smart meters […]

Dear Mr. John Doyle, BC Auditor General

April 15, 2011 635 Rollo Road, Gabriola Island B.C. V0R 1X3 Mr. John Doyle Auditor General 8 Bastion Square Victoria, B.C. Canada V8V 1X4 Dear Mr. Doyle; A recent news article made it known that you and your team is taking an interest in the financial affairs of BC Hydro. Since asking about this matter […]

WRSC to challenge Federal leaders on wireless health risks

Wireless Radiation Safety Council to challenge Federal leaders on wireless health risks CANADA NEWSWIRE APRIL 17, 2011 Mothers of children affected by wireless fear for the health and safety of their children will speak TORONTO, April 17 /CNW/ – On Monday, April 18, 2011 at Queen’s Park the Wireless Radiation Safety Council (WRSC) will challenge the Federal leaders on wireless […]

BC HYDRO SMART METER NUMBER-PLAY EXPOSED “Heads they win, tails we lose”‏ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE COSCO NEWS MARCH 26 2011 BC HYDRO SMART METER NUMBER-PLAY EXPOSED A lawyer representing BC Hydro customers has accused BC Hydro of talking out of both sides of its mouth when it comes to the billion-dollar “Smart Meter” program. “Last year, BC Hydro claimed that […]

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