Archive for category Smart Meter

Naperville settles lawsuit with smart meter foe

Sept 15, 2015  – Susan Frick Carlman  Naperville Sun Naperville City Council members this week settled a federal lawsuit filed last winter by a staunch opponent of the city’s smart meter installation program. The 12-page agreement calls for paying $117,500 to Naperville resident Malia “Kim” Bendis, whose Jan. 23 lawsuit accused the city and four of its […]

Plaintiff in Tinley Park water meter suit seeks class action

 By Gregory Pratt and Joe Mahr   contact the reporters Chicago Tribune Lawsuit alleges Tinley Park misled public over overcharging water meters   A lawsuit has been filed alleging that Tinley Park officials for years misled residents while overcharging them for water — the latest twist in the controversy surrounding the south suburb’s use of electronic […]

Kelowna Tenant and Smart Meters

By Kelly Hayes August 25, 2015  6pm Video Journalist  Global News Time is running out for a Kelowna man who is in a standoff with FortisBC. The man refuses to have a smart meter installed in his rental home. He says he wants to keep his old analog meter but FortisBC says that’s not an […]

Quebec : Another Smart Meter Fire

Farnham A smart meter in flames First published August 14, 2015 at 6:51 p.m. A fire in a smart meter could have serious consequences earlier this week Farhnam in the Eastern Townships. According to firefighters, it is almost that the house is on fire. The fire caused damage to electrical installations. Fortunately, the coating of […]

Without power by choice

by Wayne Moore | Story: 144983 – Jul 29, 2015 / 5:00 am A handful of FortisBC customers have chosen to be without power after refusing to select the type of smart meter they wish installed at their home. Utility spokesman David Wylie said a few customers in Trail and a few more in Kelowna had their power […]

$4,500 Fortis bill for house which isn’t there

By Adam Proskiw  – Infotel News   Gary Fong was sent a $4,500 bill from Fortis for power used by a building that burned down more than six months ago. (ADAM PROSKIW /InfoTel Multimedia) July 24, 2015 – 6:30 PM KELOWNA – A world-famous photographer who lives part time in Ellison says Fortis B.C. has […]

Forced Off The Grid For Opposing Smart Meters

Smart meters are controversial among many in the homestead and off-grid communities, but for one California man the controversy turned shocking when the electric company disconnected his power — for more than a year — due to his opposition to the devices. His name is Josh Hart, and early last year he told the power […]

Hackers Remotely Kill a Car on the Highway—With Me in It

July 21, 2015 I was driving 70 mph on the edge of downtown St. Louis when the exploit began to take hold. Though I hadn’t touched the dashboard, the vents in the Jeep Cherokee started blasting cold air at the maximum setting, chilling the sweat on my back through the in-seat climate control system. Next […]

California Victory in 16-month Standoff as PSREC Drops Fees and Restores Electric Service

Posted on July 6, 2015 by onthelevelblog At the appeal court hearing on June 29th, after it was revealed that Superior Court Judge Ira Kaufman has a no-cost self-read analog meter at his home, and after PSREC’s legal arguments defending their “opt out” program fell apart, the utility’s General Manager Bob Marshall agreed to reconnect our electricity, drop […]

Court told Itron meters are a Fire Hazard

Reed_Answering_Brief INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL UNION NO. 69    page 2 – “On November 4, 2014, the Judge issued his recommended Decision and Order. In his Decision and Order, the Judge found that Respondent unlawfully discharged employee Bobby Reed for engaging in protected concerted activity and/or union activity, when he testified in a […]

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