Archive for category 5G

What’s the worst China could do with access to Canada’s 5G network?

Any hostile power with the keys to 5G systems could spy, disrupt traffic and even poison water supplies if things got nasty, warn experts. Hence all the fear about Huawei. by Aaron Hutchins Dec 19, 2018  Allowing Chinese firm Huawei Technologies to build Canada’s 5G wireless network could give Beijing backdoor access to revealing data […]

California Town Looks for Alternatives to Small Cell Installations

  The town of Fairfax will study the viability of fiber network in place of new 5G antennas. BY ADRIAN RODRIGUEZ, THE MARIN INDEPENDENT JOURNAL / OCTOBER 5, 2018   (TNS) — Amid a countywide public outcry, Fairfax officials have vowed to explore broadband options that do not include the installation of “small cell” antennas, which […]

AT&T turns on its mobile 5G network on Dec. 21, starting with 12 cities

Eli Blumenthal, USA TODAYPublished 9:00 a.m. ET Dec. 18, 2018 The mobile 5G race is officially at the starting block. On Friday, Dec. 21, AT&T will turn on its mobile 5G network for the public in 12 cities around the country. The first batch: Atlanta, Charlotte, Raleigh, Dallas, Houston, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Louisville, Oklahoma City, New Orleans, San Antonio and […]

Planetary electromagnetic pollution: It is time to assess its impact

“As the Planetary Health Alliance moves forward after a productive second annual meeting, a discussion on the rapid global proliferation of artificial electromagnetic fields would now be apt. The most notable is the blanket of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation, largely microwave radiation generated for wireless communication and surveillance technologies, as mounting scientific evidence suggests that prolonged exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation has serious biological and health effects.

Elected Officials : It is critically Important that you Educate yourself about “5G” technology and realize that scientists globally want it banned!

Dear Elected Officials,
For your sake and that of all Canadians, please give this “5G” (fifth generation) technology ‘radiation’ the urgent attention it deserves! Read the Dec. 3, 2018 news release from Washington, D.C.: “U.S. Senator Blumenthal from CT and REP. Eshoo from CA, both members of the Senate Committee that oversees the FCC (Federal Communications Committee), wrote a letter to the FCC demanding PROOF that “5G”is SAFE” to humans!

North Vancouver City Office Received Applications For 78 Microcells Nov 16, 2018 : From a member living in North Vancouver: Please pass this information on, and ask friends and relatives who live or work in North Vancouver to write to the Mayor and Council with their concerns. Good info to provide is at: “I understand that an electric company (won’t name them) has […]


BIRDS DYING IN THE HAGUE -I WONDER WHY – TRANS. DUTCH 4th November 2018 Video: (set subtitles to English – not great, but gives you some idea) Dozens of starlings in Den Haag die a mysterious death – A great mystery in the Huijgenspark in The Hague. There were in the last week, nearly […]

Brain Cancer #1 for Children 15-19 yrs While FDA Minimizes Risk From Conclusive NIH Study

US Brain Tumor WASHINGTON, Nov. 5, 2018 /PRNewswire American Brain Tumor Study finds brain cancer to be the #1 cancer for children 15-19 years old; meanwhile, FDA releases statement distorting and minimizing the significance of a landmark study $30 Million NIH National Toxicology Program Study which found Clear Evidence that wireless nonionizing radiation causes […]

Cell Phone Radiation Leads to Cancer, Says U.S. NTP in Final Report

Rats Developed Rare Heart Tumor Cancer Link Was Once Thought Impossible November 1, 2018 “We believe that the link between radiofrequency (RF) radiation and tumors in male rats is real,” says John Bucher, the former associate director of the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP). The announcement accompanies this morning’s release of the NTP final reports […]

Verizon Drops Small Cell Wireless Booster Application in Face of Fees

By: Rich Hosford   A proposed wireless signal booster project that had drawn some tough questions was pulled last night.   Verizon Wireless representative Attorney Daniel Klasnick said his client would rather pull the project for seven small cell boosters planned for telephone poles around town than face a fee that was a condition being […]

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