June 5, 2023 – Wales Online News Residents have voiced their opposition to a 15-metre 5G mast being erected on a village green in Swansea. The plans would see the mast go up on a street corner at the edge of a green space in Derwen Fawr. The plans have been criticised by some residents […]
Archive for category 5G Antenna
Canadian National Citizen’s Inquiry ( Day 3 Saskatoon ) nationalcitizensinquiry.ca Series about the disguising the effects of 5G tests (4G subgiga and milimeter waves frequencies). Sources and credits: One Radio Network – “Electro Radiation Happening”, April 27, 2020 by Patrick Timpone interviews Dr Madga Havas: https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/one-radio-network/electro-radiation-happening-SOXDuLUI8C2/ | https://oneradionetwork.com/all-shows/magda-havas-is-there-an-association-between-covid-19-cases-deaths-and-5g-in-the-united-states-april-27-2020/
CA Parents Take on Cell Phone Juggernaut and Successfully Shut Down 5G Antennas at Christian School Get all the details directly from the parents https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/tea-time/brave-parents-standing-up-to-telecom-giants/ source : Children’s Health Defense
One woman’s recent illness highlights the issue of only considering radiofrequency radiation’s thermal effects April 29, 2023 – David Charbonneau After a 5G base station was installed within 60 meters of her second-floor apartment, a middle-aged, otherwise healthy, Swedish woman developed debilitating symptoms corresponding with radiofrequency/microwave syndrome, researchers at the Environment and Cancer Research Foundation […]
https://banned.video/watch?id=644a0403e8e6717e5e7a8b7d April 26, 2023 Recently, I had the privilege of sharing an hour with Mark Steele from the UK, as he downloaded his knowledge and advice for our nation, as it rapidly heads into the age of 5G. Mark is an electronic weapons expert, a scientist, a 5g expert, and all round freedom-fighting, God-fearing powerhouse […]
Thornhill, Ontario VIDEO #1 New 5G Antenna at a Gas Station under construction by Bell VIDEO #2 – Breakdown of 5G antenna source : National Citizens Alliance
LinkNYC announced they will be installing 2000 5G antennas in New York City. Some of their network is made up of WIFI media stations. Local residents were not consulted according to this report from FOX 5 News READ MORE AT https://ehtrust.org/5g-in-new-york-city/ There has been great confusion — and some concerns […]
Nov 7 2022 The towers of New York that are rising in Manhattan’s skyline are mundane enough. But what are they, and how did they get there? You may be asking yourself these questions after seeing the cranes zooming across the sky, a sound that has become almost deafening to residents of the city. There […]
5G was a big concern to Nanaimo BC Election Candidates Oct 14, 2022 — Open Invitation to All Candidates for Nanaimo City Council for Thursday October 13th from 6 pm to 9 pm at Beban Park, Auditorium A Participating Candidates : Frank Pluta, Jeff Annesley, Mike Hartlaub, Brunie Brunie, David Wang, Derek Hanna, Nick Greer All […]