Archive for category data collection

“Smart City” agenda requires 5G

Smart Cities, originally posted by  Constitutional  We all love SMART! Especially being told by others that we are SMART! Smart phones, smart cities, smart meters all make sense to us as they benefit us in many ways. But, is there another level of SMART we need to pay attention to? “Good thinking, 99!” In […]

New Nanotattoos Don’t Need Batteries or Wires

While it has biosensor potential, the ink could be sprayed on almost anything GREG GOTH 12 JUN 2023 This article is part of our exclusive IEEE Journal Watch series in partnership with IEEE Xplore. Researchers have found a way to create nano-tattoos that can passively send data using a technique similar to that of RFID […]

Is Your City “SMART”?

Feb 2, 2023 – Review from Sharon – StopSmartMetersBC   Industry has co-opted the term “smart” and equated it with wireless, encouraging the expansion of the wireless grid. There are many communities across Canada, including BC, that have received – and more that have applied for – financial incentives (bribes) to become a “smart” city. […]

Calgary – 5G Facial Recognition Cameras Deployed

5G Facial Recognition Cameras Already Being Deployed in Public Spaces. The video is of shuffler site in downtown Calgary, Alberta and the site includes 5G attennas and facial recognition cameras. NCA tried to video the public space, but a security guard for the area said that filming is not allowed without permission. From the manufacture […]

Patent for Cryptocurrency system : Human recognition and Wireless Communication

April 18, 2020     Microsoft Patent 060606 – Body interfaced digital currency What are the chances a device on the body that is used for digital translations would have a patent number 060606? Also, Microsoft patented this on March 26th of this year. The full patent id is WO/2020/060606.   “THE BLACK BOX (COMPUTERS) […]

Sidewalk Labs document reveals company’s early vision for data collection, tax powers, criminal justice

TOM CARDOSO JOSH KANE TECHNOLOGY REPORTER PUBLISHED OCTOBER 30, 2019 A confidential Sidewalk Labs document from 2016 lays out the founding vision of the Google-affiliated development company, which included having the power to levy its own property taxes, track and predict peoples movements and control some public services. The document, which The Globe and Mail has […]

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