Archive for category wireless devices

Insurance Companies Won’t Cover Cell Phone Brain Tumor Product Liability Lawsuits

The insurance industry has refused to provide product liability insurance on cell phones primarily due to this concern as they fear that cell phone litigation may turn out like tobacco or asbestos litigation did with huge punitive awards.   THE NATIONAL | Sep 21, 2010 | 3:10 Cellphone safety questions Some insurance companies take the […]

Proof of Health Canada’s Deception

Dear HESA members, Recent debate concerning WiFi in schools with concerned parents resulted in Health Canada releasing a press release on Aug. 31, 2010 at the following link. The major point of the release was to reiterate their consistent response to concerns: “Based on scientific evidence, Health Canada has determined that exposure to low-level […]

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Ontario Min of Education concerned about WIFI

Video : Ontario’s Minister of Education wants Ottawa to look into the effects of the use of wireless internet and what it could be having on students.  Some parents in Collingwood have threatened to keep their kids at home when the school year starts unless wireless internet service, WIFI are removed from the school They […]

Where is the Outrage? Mary McBride

Thu, Jun 10, 2010 2:14 pm Where is the outrage when a prominent researcher for the BC and Canadian Cancer Society has admitted to allowing herself to be misrepresented as having a PhD for more than 14 years? Why aren’t people demanding a review of her work and the decisions to which she has contributed? If […]

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Canadian Parliament Committee on Wireless

Dr Sasco’s intro testimony on Apr 29th 2010 before Ottawa Parl. Committee Good morning.
My name is Annie Sasco. I am an MD with doctoral training at
 Harvard in epidemiology, two master’s degrees, and a doctoral degree.
I have been working in cancer epidemiology for the last 25 years at
the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which […]


Talk Show Queen Oprah Winfrey Urges National ‘No Phone Zone’ Day

By SUZAN CLARKE via GMA April 30, 2010 It’s a fact. Distracted driving kills, and talk show queen Oprah Winfrey is continuing her mission to prevent distracted driving deaths by urging drivers to make their cars “no phone zones” today. My plea is to recognize that really it is an addiction. Look, five years ago, 10 […]

War on health effects of wireless devices waged in capital

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 By BRYN WEESE, PARLIAMENTARY BUREAU OTTAWA — A battle is brewing on Parliament Hill over whether mobile phones, wi-fi networks and cell towers emit too many harmful microwaves. Industry officials say they don’t and argue the scientific community is behind them, but a fledging Montreal-based group, Save our Children from Microwaves, […]

MPs hear conflicting evidence on cellphone safety

BY MEAGAN FITZPATRICK, CANWEST NEWS SERVICE Vancouver Sun APRIL 27, 2010 A committee of MPs heard conflicting evidence on the safety of cellphones and other wireless technology Tuesday as well as opposing views on whether Canada’s safety standards are strong enough. Photograph by: Archive, Calgary Herald OTTAWA — A committee of MPs heard conflicting evidence […]

Google urges Barack Obama to promise smart meters for every US home

Internet giant joined by Nokia, General Electric and Intel in calling on US goverment to upgrade electricity grid using IT Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent  @suzyji   Thu 8 Apr 2010 11.02 BSTFirst published on Thu 8 Apr 2010 11.02 BST Smart meters are intended to help consumers reduce their consumption. Photograph: Christopher Thomond American presidents used to promise […]

Cellular Telephone Technology: Public Health Facts & Concerns

March 2010  – EM Radiation Health Alliance (of BC Canada). In the past Health Canada has told us many things were safe that turned out to be very harmful. Remember thalidomide and deformed babies; asbestos and lung cancer; doctors once said tobacco was safe. In the 1980’s Health Canada claimed the blood supply was […]

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