Archive for category ehs

250 Scientists Highlight Concerns With Earbuds

BY JOSEPH MERCOLA TIME SEPTEMBER 28, 2022  Wearing wireless earbuds may be convenient but it could be increasing your risk of neurological disorders as they send a magnetic field through your brain to communicate. STORY AT-A-GLANCE Wireless headphones, like Apple’s popular AirPods, could be dangerous to human health, according to a petition signed by 250 scientists The petition […]

Genius Steve Lepkowski Gives 5G EMF Update For 2022

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US Military Fears EMFs Are Causing Pilots to Crash

September 25, 2020  STORY AT-A-GLANCE A recently launched investigation by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) seeks to determine whether electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure inside the cockpit is causing pilots to crash Over the past few years, a string of inexplicable noncombat military jet and helicopter crashes have occurred According to DARPA, […]

Mysterious Illness in Schools

Declassified 5G Document Released Before Anti-5G Campaigners Were A Problem

06/04/2020    Original Post from   Biological effect of Millimetre Radiowaves (mmWaves) – 1977 – declassified in 2012. Studies with with rats and 97 persons working with generators of the mmWave range on the basis of systematic conducting of biological analyses. 5G Declassified Doc Page 1 5G Declassified Doc Page 2 5G Declassified Doc Page 3 […]

Protecting yourself against 5G

As society adopts ever more wireless technology, we are increasingly bathed in high intensities of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Some EMFs are emitted by devices we own and use ourselves, but even if you refused to ever buy a cell phone or wireless router, you would still be exposed to ever-increasing amounts of EMFs, thanks to […]

Montreal Radio : Are you worried about the impact of 5G technology on your health?

Êtes-vous inquiets de l’impact de la technologie 5G sur votre santé ? ( Are you worried about the impact of 5G technology on your health? ) Publié le 22 janv. 2020 à 11h34 24 minute Interview (French)  98.5 FM Paul Héroux, professeur agrégé à la faculté de médecine de l’Université  Mc Gill, il enseigne la […]

American diplomat suffered 20 brain injuries in ‘sonic attack’ that affected dozens of staff in Cuba and China – but what caused them is still a mystery, new study says

Mark Lenzi was stationed in Guangzhou in 2017 when he developed unexplained symptoms, including headaches, memory loss and trouble sleeping  An independent study by The Concussion Group found that Lenzi had several brain injuries linked to short-term memory loss, taste, emotion and movement  His symptoms were similar those experienced by dozens of diplomatic staff based […]

“With 5G, We feel like Guinea Pigs”

Published  by Marc David,  July 18 2019 at 12:03 – L’illustre   Since 5G antennas have been installed near their homes in Geneva, these inhabitants of the same neighborhood suffer from various health problems. Are they the victims of a technology whose dangers have not been sufficiently tested? A doctor and MP denounces. Gatherd in […]

Hollywood talks about EHS

  Hollywood has its own interpretation of what EHS really is,  Actors have been concerned about it for years. Writers are now starting to write it into shows, possibly because they themselves, or people they know are EHS. However considering its not that accurate, could it be to downplay EHS to the general public, misleading […]

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