Archive for category BCHYDRO

Smart meters bring Big Brother era

BY BARBARA KNIGHT, TIMES COLONIST  Victoria BC MAY 3, 2011 This is not 1984, but with the installation of “smart meters” in our homes that date is quietly approaching. We are under surveillance at intersections, financial institutions, most stores, hospitals, places of leisure and entertainment. When we escape to the privacy of our own home […]

Privacy watchdog keeps an eye on BC Hydro smart meters

ROBERT MATAS VANCOUVER— From Friday’s Globe and Mail Published Thursday, Apr. 28, 2011 10:00PM EDT British Columbia’s Privacy Commissioner is quietly working with BC Hydro to ensure its new smart meter program protects the extensive amount of personal information that will be collected. The $930-million program to replace electromechanical hydro meters with digital meters […]

A Dumb Way to Introduce Smart Meters ROBERT MATAS VANCOUVER— From Thursday’s Globe and Mail Published Wednesday, Apr. 27, 2011 10:27PM EDT Last updated Wednesday, Apr. 27, 2011 10:41PM EDT The Smart Metering Program will pay for itself through reduced theft of electricity, energy savings and operating efficiencies, and deliver $520-million in benefits over 20 years. – B.C. Hydro, in a […]

Meter usage hardly smart

Peace Arch News Published: April 22, 2011 8:00 AM Editor: Re: Province going Gaga over smart meters, March 16. Columnist Tom Fletcher uses hateful insults and scientific half-truths to argue that smart meters are not a health hazard. The thousands of people who have complained of neurological and immunological symptoms caused by smart meters […]

Dear Mr. John Doyle, BC Auditor General

April 15, 2011 635 Rollo Road, Gabriola Island B.C. V0R 1X3 Mr. John Doyle Auditor General 8 Bastion Square Victoria, B.C. Canada V8V 1X4 Dear Mr. Doyle; A recent news article made it known that you and your team is taking an interest in the financial affairs of BC Hydro. Since asking about this matter […]

BC HYDRO SMART METER NUMBER-PLAY EXPOSED “Heads they win, tails we lose”‏ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE COSCO NEWS MARCH 26 2011 BC HYDRO SMART METER NUMBER-PLAY EXPOSED A lawyer representing BC Hydro customers has accused BC Hydro of talking out of both sides of its mouth when it comes to the billion-dollar “Smart Meter” program. “Last year, BC Hydro claimed that […]

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Wireless meter needs attention

Peace Arch News: Published: April 12, 2011 3:00 PM Wireless meter needs attention Do ‘smart meters’ pose a health hazard? People who are sensitive to the effects of electromagnetic radiation have the freedom to limit cellphone use or choose a wired computer connection, but smart meters take away the choice to manage radiation exposure even […]

Smart meters will raise costs without reducing consumption

By Walter McGinnis, Vancouver Sun April 7, 2011 Re: Smart meter plan may not be so smart, Column, April 4 At a $1-billion price tag for B.C. this means we will have to save about 100 million kilowatt hours of electricity in consumption before the citizens see some financial benefit from so called smart meters. […]

We don’t want SmartMeters   Joanne Sales, Oceanside Star Published: Thursday, March 31, 2011 THE EDITOR: This summer, BCHydro wants to install SmartMeters, new electric meters installed on our homes to broadcast energy usage. BCHydro says they are open to public input. Here are my concerns. If SmartMeters are so safe, why are 32 cities and counties in California […]

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Smart meters a hot topic at BC Hydro public meeting by Lia Fraser Source: HANS e-News – March 15, 2011 On March 9 in Victoria, BC Hydro held one of their public consultations planned in various BC cities between March and April on various projects and issues. About 250 people attended and at times the debate was heated on the issue of smart meters. […]

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