Archive for category Living Lab

The 5G Trojan Horse (documentary)

This 96 minute documentary will expose the truth behind the global “Race to 5G”, the health, privacy, and local power concerns, and the corruption between the Big Wireless industry and the U.S. government.

Telus plans rollout of 5G network using Huawei technology

Chinese component maker accused of stealing state secrets and being an arm of Chinese government CBC News · Posted: Feb 13, 2020 Telecommunications company Telus Corp. says it is planning to roll out its 5G network in the near future using some technology from Chinese component maker Huawei. CFO Doug French told The Financial Post newspaper in […]

US finds Huawei has backdoor access to mobile networks globally, report says

The Chinese tech giant has reportedly had access to carrier equipment for over a decade. Corinne Reichert   February 12, 2020 11:27 AM PST Huawei can reportedly access backdoors in mobile networks globally. Chinese tech giant Huawei can reportedly access the networks it helped build that are being used by mobile phones around the world. It’s […]

5G Cities with Coronavirus – Coincidence?

As many may not know, wireless emissions can cause FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS, and if you think about it, wouldn’t the new 5G millimetre waves be the number one item you would eliminate from the mix when a illness comes along?   Wuhan, China  First City to use 5G,  Same city said to be ground zero […]

Swiss Citizens Take to the Streets to Protest 5G Implementation as New Illnesses Start at Same Time

Health Impact News If you want to get an idea of what will happen in the U.S. when the telecom companies start rolling out 5G networks with new towers in your local neighborhood, take a look at what is happening in Switzerland today, where 90% of the population is now exposed to the new 5G […]

5G Danger : 13 Reasons why 5G Technology will be a Disaster for Humanity

06/01/2020 / AMBASSADOR21 The dangers of 5G cannot be stressed enough. 5G is now being actively deployed in many cities around the world. At the same time as awareness of dire health and privacy concerns is increasing, many cities are imposing moratoriums on 5G or simply banning it, such as the whole of Belgium, the […]

Kalamata City suspends 5G network fearing locals will become infertile!

December 4, 2019 The City Council of Kalamata decided to suspend the pilot program of 5G network fearing possible negative effects on citizens’ health. In fact, it was a group of citizens who protested the advanced wireless technology speaking of “the experiment 5G” in their city and forced the elected local authorities to suspend the […]

New Polish Govt. is pushing through an 100 times increase in their RF guidelines to allow for the implementation of the 5G grid

IMPORTANT: 5G Emergency in Poland! 26 / 11 / 2019      grypa666 @ 05:10 From: Julian Rose <[email protected]> To: xxxxx Sent: Monday, November 25, 2019, 6:56:43 AM PST Subject: IMPORTANT: 5G Emergency in Poland! Polish colleagues – please write your message in Polish – Dear Friends – We  are  in  a  5G  emergency  situation  here in Poland. The recently re-elected  […]

Whistleblower warned UK ambulance service before 3 died

A letter sent to the East of England Ambulance Service Trust warned of “psychological abuse” before three EMS providers died within a 10-day period Nov 26, 2019 By EMS1 Staff UNITED KINGDOM — A whistleblower sent a letter warning of “psychological abuse” and “potential loss of life” at a U.K. ambulance trust about a month […]


StarMetro Vancouver 7 Nov 2019 StarMetro Vancouver     –    7 Nov 2019  –   ME­LANIE GREEN Canada’s wired fu­ture awaits — once it nav­i­gates Huawei, China and Don­ald Trump’s Amer­ica   THE AS­SO­CI­ATED PRESS Bell and Telus await the fed­eral govern­ment’s de­ci­sion on Huawei’s 5G tech­nol­ogy, as they have sub­stan­tial in­vest­ments in the firm, […]

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