Archive for category cell phone

5G Wireless Connectivity Coming To Sacramento Late Summer 2018 posted May 29, 2018  by the City of Sacramento The deployment of safe, federally compliant, super high-speed wireless 5G connectivity to the internet for Sacramento residents is coming late summer 2018. Last year, Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg joined Verizon in announcing that one of their first commercial launches of fifth-generation – or 5G – […]

iPhone Catches on Fire in Man’s Pocket, Causing Severe Burns, says New Lawsuit

Lawsuit Claims iPhone Was Defective and Lacked Appropriate Safety Features NORTH CHARLESTON, SC, August 09, 2018 /24-7PressRelease A South Carolina man caught on fire after the battery in his iPhone 6 exploded, according to a recent lawsuit. The phone was in his pocket, when it heated up, exploded and set his clothes on fire, causing […]

5G Phone with 16 ANTENNAS

With all the talk about 5G small cell antennas being tested in California, Vancouver and other areas, people must be wondering : What antenna systems are going to be inside these new 5G Phones?    “5G capable smartphones, when they arrive, will be packed with features – including as many as sixteen antennas to help transmit lots […]

Brit dad sues Nokia for up to £1million claiming using his mobile phone caused his brain tumour

  Neil Whitfield, 60, says he developed an acoustic neuroma tumour due to heavy phone use for his job in the late 1990s  By Grace Macaskill   12 MAY 2018 A salesman who suffered a brain tumour is suing Nokia for ­“significant” compensation which could hit £1million – in a case that could cost mobile phone […]

Michigan state senator reveals the danger of wireless devices on the Senate floor

Posted by: Jonathan Landsman  in EMF Pollution, Politics and Health May 4, 2018   (Naturalhealth365) With the overwhelming popularity of cell phones, laptops, smart meters and WiFi routers, it truly seems as if we are adrift in a “sea of microwaves” – to quote a phrase coined by renowned geneticist Dr. Mae-Wan Ho. The rollout of 5G technology, and the […]

Beware of the waves of your mobile phone: “A health scandal” could soon be revealed

Posted on April 14, 2018 at 6:00 AM We are close to the health scandal in France because of the waves emitted by a mobile phone. Is it the only one that emits too much? Where are we in Belgium? A telephone has been removed from the sale in France because it exceeds the health threshold of the […]

Cell Phone Use In Children and Teens Translates To 5 Times Greater Increase In Brain Cancer

published by RF SAFE News  CELL PHONE RADIATION  Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Pinterest If today’s young people don’t reduce their use of wireless mobile devices, they may suffer an “epidemic” of the disease in later life. Research indicates children and teenagers are five times more likely to get brain cancer if they use mobile phones. At least nine out of ten 16-year-olds have […]

5G smartphones cause cancer; Big Wireless doesn’t want you to know

BRUCE STERLING. 03.29.18.   *I have been waiting and waiting for this particular form of popular fear to surface again. Electro-radiation fear has been subterranean for decades now. *If smartphones cause cancer (and who knows, maybe they do, why not) then it’s even more likely that electric blankets, high-tension lines, microwave ovens and even household […]

Can your cellphone cause cancer? Scientists find definitive link in study of rats

BY JOHN MURAWSKI [email protected]   March 28, 2018 05:10 PM Updated March 29, 2018 03:23 PM   RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK — Cellphone radio-frequency waves can be decisively linked to cancer in rats, according to a national science panel meeting in Research Triangle Park on Wednesday. The scientists’ finding establishes the clearest connection of cellphone risk […]

Sacramento Will Be 1st 5G City Despite Health Risks

by Keith Johnson – January 30, 2018 The winner has been selected. Sacramento has been bestowed the distinct honor of becoming the first 5G WiFi city.  Sacramento, Ca., through a new public-private partnership with Verizon, will be the first of eleven finalists to premier the latest and greatest communication technologies that “promise to revolutionize the daily lives […]

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