Archive for category Canada

Smart meter Omissions

Gulf Islands Driftwood – Letters Published: May 18, 2011 10:00 AM Re: “Smart meters safe” letter, May 11 Driftwood. Interesting comment by Dr. John Blatherwick regarding safe smart meters. I notice he doesn’t mention the considerable communications industry influence on the World Health Organization, Health Canada and with former industry executives working for these supposedly “health […]

Beware of wireless smart meters and effects

Dear Editor, Oliver Chronicle : May 18th 2011 Recently I have learned that FortisBC plans to replace our power meters with a wireless meter.  The new meters will be able to read the amount of electrical use of all appliances and outlets in our home every few minutes throughout the day. This wireless radiation will […]

BC Hydro increase 30% by 2014

According to the BCUC report, BC Hydro plans to increase costs to the customers in order to help cover the expenses of their questionable Smart Meter Program. The concerned public is not aware of what is going on, due to details being buried in tons of paperwork.  Could it have something to do with the […]

Cellphone towers draw Lower Mainland opposition May 9, 2011 8:36 PM PT Proposed new cellphone towers are drawing opposition from residents of Port Coquitlam and Surrey concerned about possible negative effects on health and property values. Cascadia Tower Inc. is making an application before Surrey city council to build two towers in Cloverdale. Area resident Claire Smith says if the […]

Concerns about new Tower beside Alzheimers Centre

Citizens of Surrey BC neighbourhood attended a meeting Thursday night about the cell tower proposed by Cascadia Tower Inc, to be built beside the Czorny Alzheimer’s Centre on 168 Street in Surrey.   Morrey Fin of Cascadia Tower was invited to attend as one of the invited speakers, yet did not attend this meeting. Documents […]

Smart meters are a bad idea Gulf Islands Driftwood – Opinion Viewpoint – Smart meters are a bad idea By Contributed Opinion – Gulf Islands Driftwood Published: May 04, 2011 10:00 AM By DULCY WILSON I am very concerned about BC Hydro installing smart meters all over Salt Spring Island. I think it is a very bad idea for many […]

Smart meters bring Big Brother era

BY BARBARA KNIGHT, TIMES COLONIST  Victoria BC MAY 3, 2011 This is not 1984, but with the installation of “smart meters” in our homes that date is quietly approaching. We are under surveillance at intersections, financial institutions, most stores, hospitals, places of leisure and entertainment. When we escape to the privacy of our own home […]

A Dumb Way to Introduce Smart Meters ROBERT MATAS VANCOUVER— From Thursday’s Globe and Mail Published Wednesday, Apr. 27, 2011 10:27PM EDT Last updated Wednesday, Apr. 27, 2011 10:41PM EDT The Smart Metering Program will pay for itself through reduced theft of electricity, energy savings and operating efficiencies, and deliver $520-million in benefits over 20 years. – B.C. Hydro, in a […]

Cell tower proceeds without council blessing Langley Times – News By Natasha Jones – Langley Times Published: April 21, 2011 1:00 PM Updated: April 21, 2011 4:00 PM Residents who opposed a cell phone tower in their rural east Murrayville neighbourhood had the backing of Township council, which refused to endorse Bell Mobility’s plan to erect a 164-foot monopole in […]

Dear Mr. John Doyle, BC Auditor General

April 15, 2011 635 Rollo Road, Gabriola Island B.C. V0R 1X3 Mr. John Doyle Auditor General 8 Bastion Square Victoria, B.C. Canada V8V 1X4 Dear Mr. Doyle; A recent news article made it known that you and your team is taking an interest in the financial affairs of BC Hydro. Since asking about this matter […]

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