Archive for category symptoms

5G is NOT Your Friend 5G is NOT Your Friend City Hall January 21, 2020  

5G Cities with Coronavirus – Coincidence?

As many may not know, wireless emissions can cause FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS, and if you think about it, wouldn’t the new 5G millimetre waves be the number one item you would eliminate from the mix when a illness comes along?   Wuhan, China  First City to use 5G,  Same city said to be ground zero […]

Wuhan, first province with full 5G coverage – now the center of the deadly virus

January 26, 2020 |   Isn’t it strange that the province in China, which was the first to use 5G networks and technology, has now become the center of a deadly virus that suddenly kills people on the street. What if the deaths are not a virus, but a 5G cell breakdown that mimics […]

Swiss Citizens Take to the Streets to Protest 5G Implementation as New Illnesses Start at Same Time

Health Impact News If you want to get an idea of what will happen in the U.S. when the telecom companies start rolling out 5G networks with new towers in your local neighborhood, take a look at what is happening in Switzerland today, where 90% of the population is now exposed to the new 5G […]

American diplomat suffered 20 brain injuries in ‘sonic attack’ that affected dozens of staff in Cuba and China – but what caused them is still a mystery, new study says

Mark Lenzi was stationed in Guangzhou in 2017 when he developed unexplained symptoms, including headaches, memory loss and trouble sleeping  An independent study by The Concussion Group found that Lenzi had several brain injuries linked to short-term memory loss, taste, emotion and movement  His symptoms were similar those experienced by dozens of diplomatic staff based […]

“With 5G, We feel like Guinea Pigs”

Published  by Marc David,  July 18 2019 at 12:03 – L’illustre   Since 5G antennas have been installed near their homes in Geneva, these inhabitants of the same neighborhood suffer from various health problems. Are they the victims of a technology whose dangers have not been sufficiently tested? A doctor and MP denounces. Gatherd in […]

Hollywood talks about EHS

  Hollywood has its own interpretation of what EHS really is,  Actors have been concerned about it for years. Writers are now starting to write it into shows, possibly because they themselves, or people they know are EHS. However considering its not that accurate, could it be to downplay EHS to the general public, misleading […]

Fitbit burns Skin

  Nov 1, 2019 Posting for a friend …Please be aware… I’m posting this to educate others of the potential damage a Fitbit watch could have on you or your family. On Wednesday night, I was sleeping when I woke up in a panic to my wrist burning. I quickly realised my Fitbit was burning […]

The Unexplained Noise 2 Percent of People Can Hear

THE ATLANTIC SELECTS   Jul 18, 2019 Video by Garret Harkawik Some describe it as sounding like an engine idling just outside the house. Others report hearing a low-frequency rumble. But almost everyone who can hear it—2 percent of the population, by some estimates—agrees on one thing: “the hum,” as it has come to be called, is a […]

Woman wrapped tin foil around BC Hydro meter to prevent pain

By Jeremy Hainsworth August 30, 2019   B.C.’s Human Rights Tribunal has ruled that a B.C. woman can’t prove her smart electrical meter is causing serious health issues. File photo Times Colonist A B.C. woman can’t prove her smart electrical meter is causing “many, very serious, symptoms she describes” and would have a problem proving […]

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