Archive for category United States

Smart meter fire in Florida killed 12 horses, injured more

“12 horses dead. Two firefighters hurt after a fire at South Florida Trotting Center in West Lake Worth.” A smart meter fire in Florida killed 12 horses, injured more.  GE smeter, program started in 2009. “Fire investigators said it was an electrical malfunction that blew the power meter, which in turn set a large pile […]

Sequim, WA to ban wireless Wi-Fi, cell towers

by ALANA LINDEROTH,  Sequim Gazette Reporter October 28, 2015   Any and all plans to implement Wi-Fi or cell phone towers within the Sequim city limits are on hold. The Sequim City Council approved a six-month moratorium on wireless communication support towers on Oct. 26 via a 5-1 vote with councilor Dennis Smith opposed and Ken […]

Missouri Smart Meter Injury

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Naperville settles lawsuit with smart meter foe

Sept 15, 2015  – Susan Frick Carlman  Naperville Sun Naperville City Council members this week settled a federal lawsuit filed last winter by a staunch opponent of the city’s smart meter installation program. The 12-page agreement calls for paying $117,500 to Naperville resident Malia “Kim” Bendis, whose Jan. 23 lawsuit accused the city and four of its […]

Plaintiff in Tinley Park water meter suit seeks class action

 By Gregory Pratt and Joe Mahr   contact the reporters Chicago Tribune Lawsuit alleges Tinley Park misled public over overcharging water meters   A lawsuit has been filed alleging that Tinley Park officials for years misled residents while overcharging them for water — the latest twist in the controversy surrounding the south suburb’s use of electronic […]

Wi-Fi Lawsuit Claims Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure Caused Syndrome

Aug 26, 2015, 4:17 PM ET By GILLIAN MOHNEY Parents’ Wi-Fi Lawsuit Draws Attention to Controversial Condition  A lawsuit filed by a Massachusetts couple claiming that a school’s Wi-Fi network is harming their son is drawing attention to a condition that is so controversial that many in the medical community even question its existence. The […]

Forced Off The Grid For Opposing Smart Meters

Smart meters are controversial among many in the homestead and off-grid communities, but for one California man the controversy turned shocking when the electric company disconnected his power — for more than a year — due to his opposition to the devices. His name is Josh Hart, and early last year he told the power […]

California Victory in 16-month Standoff as PSREC Drops Fees and Restores Electric Service

Posted on July 6, 2015 by onthelevelblog At the appeal court hearing on June 29th, after it was revealed that Superior Court Judge Ira Kaufman has a no-cost self-read analog meter at his home, and after PSREC’s legal arguments defending their “opt out” program fell apart, the utility’s General Manager Bob Marshall agreed to reconnect our electricity, drop […]

People Believe Wi-Fi Is Making Them Sick

By Dr. Mallika Marshall, WBZ-TV June 8, 2015 11:24 PM  BOSTON (CBS) – Wi-Fi is all around us, but most people never give it a second thought. A number of people, however, believe all those invisible rays are making them sick. In the Lawson home, the only phone is a landline. Even the teenagers don’t […]

The Quiet Zone: Where mobile phones are banned

By Emile Holba and Sara Jane Hall  Green Bank, West Virginia 19 May 2015  From BBC  Magazine Anyone driving west from Washington DC towards the Allegheny Mountains will arrive before long in a vast area without mobile phone signals. This is the National Radio Quiet Zone – 13,000 square miles (34,000 sq km) of radio […]

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