Archive for category health and safety

Swiss Citizens Take to the Streets to Protest 5G Implementation as New Illnesses Start at Same Time

Health Impact News If you want to get an idea of what will happen in the U.S. when the telecom companies start rolling out 5G networks with new towers in your local neighborhood, take a look at what is happening in Switzerland today, where 90% of the population is now exposed to the new 5G […]

5G Danger : 13 Reasons why 5G Technology will be a Disaster for Humanity

06/01/2020 / AMBASSADOR21 The dangers of 5G cannot be stressed enough. 5G is now being actively deployed in many cities around the world. At the same time as awareness of dire health and privacy concerns is increasing, many cities are imposing moratoriums on 5G or simply banning it, such as the whole of Belgium, the […]

Los Altos council denies Verizon, AT&T cell node appeals

Published: 18 December 2019 Written by Melissa Hartman Megan V. Winslow/Town Crier Between March and May of this year, AT&T and Verizon submitted permit requests to install a combined 13 cell nodes across the city of Los Altos. When their applications were denied in September, they appealed the decision. The Los Altos City Council had its final […]

Native American tribes (and the US court) condemn 5G: It also creates Historical, Archaeological and Environmental problems.  Appeal to UNESCO from Italy

Dec 27, 2019 by Maurizio Martucci The syllogism fitting in the Winter Solstice , the crossroads between the darkest darkness and the return to light. The image shows us the watershed from which nobody can escape. What future awaits us? Still in the wake of the millennial cosmic cycles, in symbiosis and respect with nature […]

American diplomat suffered 20 brain injuries in ‘sonic attack’ that affected dozens of staff in Cuba and China – but what caused them is still a mystery, new study says

Mark Lenzi was stationed in Guangzhou in 2017 when he developed unexplained symptoms, including headaches, memory loss and trouble sleeping  An independent study by The Concussion Group found that Lenzi had several brain injuries linked to short-term memory loss, taste, emotion and movement  His symptoms were similar those experienced by dozens of diplomatic staff based […]

Whistleblower warned UK ambulance service before 3 died

A letter sent to the East of England Ambulance Service Trust warned of “psychological abuse” before three EMS providers died within a 10-day period Nov 26, 2019 By EMS1 Staff UNITED KINGDOM — A whistleblower sent a letter warning of “psychological abuse” and “potential loss of life” at a U.K. ambulance trust about a month […]

5G Smart Ambulances linked with 3 Deaths?

Concerns raised after three East of England Ambulance Service staff members die suddenly in 11 days The Trust confirmed the news this afternoon By Elliot Hawkins  Nov 2019  Photo :PETER BYRNE/PA Three staff members at the East of England Ambulance Service Trust have died suddenly in the last 11 days. The news was confirmed by the Trust, […]


StarMetro Vancouver 7 Nov 2019 StarMetro Vancouver     –    7 Nov 2019  –   ME­LANIE GREEN Canada’s wired fu­ture awaits — once it nav­i­gates Huawei, China and Don­ald Trump’s Amer­ica   THE AS­SO­CI­ATED PRESS Bell and Telus await the fed­eral govern­ment’s de­ci­sion on Huawei’s 5G tech­nol­ogy, as they have sub­stan­tial in­vest­ments in the firm, […]

5G kills 300 Birds in Charlotte?

  FIRST City to Install 5G on Massive Scale – MARCH 21, 2018 300 Birds suddenly Die – OCTOBER 16th, 2019 Terrifying scene plays out as 300 birds ram NASCAR Hall of Fame windows in Charlotte Read more here:        

“With 5G, We feel like Guinea Pigs”

Published  by Marc David,  July 18 2019 at 12:03 – L’illustre   Since 5G antennas have been installed near their homes in Geneva, these inhabitants of the same neighborhood suffer from various health problems. Are they the victims of a technology whose dangers have not been sufficiently tested? A doctor and MP denounces. Gatherd in […]

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