Archive for category microcell

Judge says village’s Denial of Small Cell applications was legal and reasonable

Victory in Flower Hill, NY! In a landmark legal decision, Judge Frederic Block, Senior United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York, found that the Village of Flower Hill, NY, was justified in denying the application of ExteNet (acting as an agent for Verizon Wireless) to place 18 small cell antennas in […]

Huawei-made ‘small cell’ boxes hit suburban Sydney, as residents raise health concerns

By Ashleigh Raper and Nick Sas Sun 6 Jan 2019  Residents of a quiet Sydney suburb are looking for answers from a major telco after it revealed plans to place a number of new telecommunication “small cell boxes” outside their homes without any approval. Key points: Small cell boxes will become commonplace as the 5G […]

Radio waves make you sick – or not

Scientists say wireless technology is safe; others say their symptoms tell a different story Nanette Van Doorn Oct 7, 2012 1:00 AM   Three groups opposed to smart meters stop a BC Hydro truck leaving its yard in Victoria Thursday. They were one of four demonstrations in B.C taking part in a North American day […]

SPAIN : Inca orders to turn off the 5G antenna for being on rustic land and disturbing the neighbours

Despite being a facility of general interest, the Town Hall requires compliance with urban regulations Juanjo Roig Inca, Majorca Spain 03/18/22 03:59 The 5G antenna was activated in May 2021 on rustic land near Camí de Can Boqueta.   The City Council of Inca has ordered the stoppage of the activity of the 5G antenna located […]

Experts say 2022 is the year smart city projects move from flashy to functional

In recent years, smart cities have received criticism for over-promising and under-delivering—experts think that could change. article cover By Jordan McDonald – January 21, 2022 In recent years, smart cities have received criticism for over-promising and under-delivering—or, in many cases, failing to deliver at all. However, due to a combination of new government funding and what […]

Frequency Wars

Video discussing 5G Concerns from UI Media Newtork :   May 5, 2021 As millions across the world are getting vaccinated with the mRNA experimental drugs, the side effects are on the rise, not only with the people getting vaccinated but also the unvaccinated. Is it the spike proteins that are doing it? Is it […]

Facebook Connectivity aims high with SuperCell for rural coverage

by Monica Alleven | Dec 3, 2020 11:51am Engineers at Facebook Connectivity have been quietly working for the past two and a half years on a solution to economically provide coverage in rural areas, and what they’ve come up with is SuperCell, an alternative to macrocell sites. Mobile network operators, which traditionally have served these […]

Mysterious Illness in Schools

Facebook’s 60-GHz Terragraph Technology Moves From Trials to Commercial Gear

The software suite allows base stations to connect to one another in small groups By Amy Nordrum Wireless world: Technicians in Mikebuda, Hungary, install Terragraph-enabled small-cell base stations for a trial that began in May 2018.   For years, Facebook has been developing a technology to improve the way data is organized and routed in […]

Hawaii : Success!!! Stop 5G Resolution Passed!!

July 22, 2020 – Stop5G Hawaii – It’s official! Resolution 678-20 to Stop 5G Passed! Almost unanimously (8-1)!!!    We did it! Thank You to all who sent emails, made phone calls and testified in-person! Success!!! Yay us!!!  In a meeting that lasted nearly six hours, approximately 40 people waited in line to testify one-by-one in separate rooms in Hilo and Kona set-up due to […]

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