Archive for category rfid

5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene oxide injected into the body

09/14/2023 /  Mike Adams  – From original post at A science paper published in MaterialsToday Chemistry reveals that cell phone signals can be used to release biological or chemical payloads from graphene oxide that’s introduced into the human body. The paper, published in September of 2022, is entitled, “Remotely controlled electro-responsive on-demand nanotherapy based […]

EU : Gigabit Infrastructure Act Proposal and Impact Assessment

Commission presents new initiatives with Gigabit Infrastructure Act Proposal On 23 February, The Commission presented a set of actions aimed to make Gigabit connectivity available to all citizens and businesses across the EU by 2030.   The following publications contain the support study, proposal and impact assessment for The Gigabit Infrastructure Act. The Commission […]

New Nanotattoos Don’t Need Batteries or Wires

While it has biosensor potential, the ink could be sprayed on almost anything GREG GOTH 12 JUN 2023 This article is part of our exclusive IEEE Journal Watch series in partnership with IEEE Xplore. Researchers have found a way to create nano-tattoos that can passively send data using a technique similar to that of RFID […]

Racehorses at Churchill Downs

June 8, 2023  by  Arthur Firstenberg  –  Cellular Phone Task Force Racehorses are among the most finely tuned, exquisitely sensitive creatures on earth. So what happens when you give them all cell phones to wear during a race? They start dropping like… well, horses.    That is exactly what started happening this spring at Churchill Downs […]

Whistleblower Former School Staff Tells All

March 8, 2023 Brad former school staff of Vernon B.C. fired for sharing his concerns about the well-being of the students and staff. He shares about AI and facial recognition software installed in schools, computer devices capturing data on all the children, and the EMF readings he finds from inside the school.     source […]

Dr. José Luis Sevillano explains how vaccinated individuals are being irradiated from the outside and the inside

SEPTEMBER 06, 2021 In a recent program of La Quinta Columna, Dr. José Luis Sevillano explained that, although the population is being irradiated by waves emitted by 5G technology and both inoculated and non-inoculated people are being affected by the radiation emitted by the antennas, those who carry graphene oxide in their bodies are the ones […]

Cell Towers on the Ocean Floor

In 2018, on land and in space, preparations to deploy millions of antennas were very publicly being made and advertised, for “5G,” “Smart Cities,” and the “Internet of Things.” At the same time, and without any publicity, governments, research laboratories, and commercial and military interests were collaborating on plans to create “Smart Oceans” and the “Internet of Underwater Things” (IoUT). They did not consult the fishes, whales, dolphins, octopuses, and other inhabitants of those depths.

World wide concerns about Magnetic Fields in many people, Scientists take a closer look

Vaccine Under Electron Microscope shows what appears to be Graphene – also used in 5G        The wireless industry also has shown great interest in Graphene over the past few years, particularly for 5G :          

Graphene and 5G

    The Tangled Fate of Graphene and 5G These two technologies have long been hyped, and proponents of each are finally starting to work together By Dexter Johnson  19 Mar 2018 Graphene has been heralded as a “wonder material” for well over a decade now, and 5G has been marketed as the next […]

Dr Pierre Gilbert : Magnetic Vaccines ( 1995 )

  ” In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields, What will follow is the contamination of the blood streams of mankind creating intentional infections. This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory.” ” And these vaccines will make possible to control people.  The vaccines will have Liquid Crystals […]

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