Graphene and 5G

    The Tangled Fate of Graphene and 5G These two technologies have long been hyped, and proponents of each are finally starting to work together By Dexter Johnson  19 Mar 2018 Graphene has been heralded as a “wonder material” for well over a decade now, and 5G has been marketed as the next […]

COVID-19 Attributed Cases and Deaths are Statistically Higher in States and Counties with 5th Generation Millimeter Wave Wireless Telecommunications in the United States.

Angela Tsiang Magda Havas Trent School of the Environment, Trent University, Peterborough, ON, Canada, K9J 7B8 Abstract COVID-19-attributed case and death rates for the U.S.A. were analyzed through May 2020 in three ways – for all 50 states, the country’s largest counties, and the largest counties in California – and found to be statistically significantly […]

Dr Pierre Gilbert : Magnetic Vaccines ( 1995 )

  ” In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields, What will follow is the contamination of the blood streams of mankind creating intentional infections. This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory.” ” And these vaccines will make possible to control people.  The vaccines will have Liquid Crystals […]

EU plans digital ID wallet for bloc’s post-pandemic life for 450 million residents

By KELVIN CHAN  – June 3 2021 LONDON (AP) — The European Union unveiled plans Thursday for a digital ID wallet that residents could use to access services across the 27-nation bloc, part of a post-pandemic recovery strategy that involves accelerating the shift to an online world. The European Digital Identity Wallet proposed by the […]

The ‘great reset’ meets the Internet of Bodies: manipulating human behavior with authoritarian surveillance

Contact tracing is not just for tracking viruses, it’s a social credit tool for monitoring a nation’s deplorables: perspective Tim Hinchliffe –  December 2020 As the networking of humans and machines shows to have incredible promise towards improving overall health and well being for generations to come, the Internet of Bodies (IoB) also runs the risk […]

What Is The Internet Of Bodies? And How Is It Changing Our World?

Bernard Marr  Dec 6, 2019 – Forbes   Have you heard the term the Internet of Bodies (IoB)? That may conjure up a few thoughts that have nothing to do with the true nature of the term, but it’s about using the human body as the latest data platform. At first, this concept seems quite creepy, […]

Frequency Wars

Video discussing 5G Concerns from UI Media Newtork :   May 5, 2021 As millions across the world are getting vaccinated with the mRNA experimental drugs, the side effects are on the rise, not only with the people getting vaccinated but also the unvaccinated. Is it the spike proteins that are doing it? Is it […]

Luciferase Chain Reaction to ID2020

By Rosanne Lindsay, ND  |  July 22nd, 2020  Put down the mask. The mask is a tool of conditioning, a temporary distraction from the new technology. Biometric bioluminescence. Bioluminescence is a “cold light” that derives from a chemical reaction within a living organism. Cold light means less than 20% of the light generates thermal radiation, or […]

Vancouver City Council considers “Intelligent street light control system”/ Smart Grid

Stop Smart Meter Newsletter Update 2021-05-18 :  A member sent this notice of agenda items on Vancouver’s City Council’s agenda. At Wed., May 19 meeting, a report will be presented re. new LED lights that could serve as part of the “smart city” grid, gathering data surreptitiously. In other cities, there have been complaints about […]

Ottawa adds $1B to broadband fund for rural, remote communities

David Paddon  Canadian Press Published Monday, April 19, 2021 4:32PM EDT OTTAWA — The federal government will add $1 billion to a fund for improving high-speed communications in rural and remote areas of Canada, bringing the total to $2.75 billion by 2026, the Liberals said Monday in their first full budget since the pandemic began […]

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