Archive for category health and safety

Health Canada confused about WHO Classification

For distribution July 1, 2011.  Health Canada seems to be confused about the recent WHO/IARC classification of radio frequency electromagnetic fields as a “possible human carcinogen.” Ms Beth Pieterson (Director General, Environment and Radiation Health Services Directorate, Health Canada) stated, “We don’t know the long-term effects of Wi-Fi . . . From all evidence we […]

Why the Precautionary Principle Should but Doesn’t Apply in BC

Monday, 27 June 2011 09:15 Written by Rafe Mair There is a reason that we who want to save our environment are losing the war and may lose it outright unless we gird up our loins and fight to the death, politically speaking. The reason is simple: no government set in authority over us will apply […]

Kamloops : The Dark Side of Smart Meters The dark side of smart meters JUNE 6, 2011 Re: Smart Meters Set to Roll Out In Kamloops, May 27, 2011. Tests in the U.S. show smart meters are extremely easy to hack. Won’t that just make it easier to steal electricity? Information about our personal activities will be collected and broadcast wirelessly. BC […]

Kamloops : Smart meters may be harmful JUNE 23, 2011 New smart water meter transmitters being installed in Kamloops homes may be harmful to you and your children. Exposure to radio wave radiation from these transmitters is involuntary and will be continuous inside your home. The un-safeness of the “safety” standards for the continuously transmitting smart meters is apparent from the […]

Dear Premier Clark, Hon. Mr. de Jong, Dr. Kendall,

On May 31, 2011, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer’s 31 international scientists officially classified microwave radiation from wireless devices a 2b carcinogen. This is major news! All of those gadgets which have become essential to our lives, and which surround us 24/7 might cause cancer. Thousands of studies done by […]

Smart Meter Sensitivity

by Linda R. Floyd, Salt Spring Island – Island Tides (page 6) June 16, 2011: – Dear Editor: Since mid-February, when we found out about BC Hydro’s plans to replace all disc meters with a new technology called smart meters, my husband and I and many other neighbours, friends, and acquaintances have been going through […]

Health Canada is obliged to go back to the drawing board

What does this mean for Canadians? June 5, 2011.  The World Health Organization classifies radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic.  What does this mean for Canadians? After a week-long meeting in Lyon, France, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)—an arm of the World Health Organization (WHO)—classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (otherwise known as radiofrequency radiation […]

Press Release – Prime Minister of Canada urged to protect Canadians

Prime Minister of Canada urged to protect Canadians-

Starting yesterday, microwave radiation from cell phones, cordless phones,Wi-Fi, smart meters and other wireless consumer devices and infrastructure is officially labeled by the World Health Organization to be a Possible Carcinogen, in the same category as Lead and DDT.

New Studies Confirm Cell Phone Hazards “Stunning proof” ignored in North America, scientists say

05/23/2011 Mark Huffman | Since the days when cell phones were the size of bricks, there has been debate over the safety of these devices, which use radio waves to transmit voice and data. A number of studies, stretching back more than a decade, have suggested extended cell phone exposure increases the risk of […]

Radiation from Hydro’s Smart Meters may be too dangerous

BY SUSAN FLETCHER, VANCOUVER SUN MAY 26, 2011 A wireless Smart Meter (SM), the type mandated for all BC Hydro customers, emits one hundred times the radiation of a cellphone. That’s the conclusion of nuclear expert, Daniel Hirsch, after finding flaws in a report to the California legislature which claimed Smart Meter radiation is 100 […]

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