Archive for category Rogers

Rogers and UBC ink multi-year agreement to build 5G Hub in Vancouver

Partnership will deliver made-in-Canada 5G technologyWill develop 5G applications to help consumers, businesses and governments save time, money and lives September 20, 2018 VANCOUVER, B.C. (September 20, 2018) – Rogers and the University of British Columbia (UBC) today announced a three year, multi-million dollar partnership deal to build a real-world 5G Hub on the UBC […]

Rogers, Ericsson to test 5G technology in Toronto, Ottawa

Rogers, which is upgrading its existing network, expects 5G wireless technology to be ready for prime time by 2020 EMILY JACKSON Published on: April 16, 2018 | Last Updated: April 16, 2018 5:18 PM EDT   Rogers Communications Inc. has partnered with Ericsson to test 5G wireless technology in Toronto and Ottawa, following its top […]

Man Claims Cell Tower Caused Cancer; Supreme Court Orders Removal Of That Cell Tower

Last updated: April 12, 2017 at 17:54 pm Mohul Ghosh In a landmark judgement, which can open a Pandora’s box, Supreme Court has ordered the removal of a cell tower in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. The order was passed after a man claimed that radiations from the cell tower caused his cancer. This is a watershed […]

Too Close for Comfort

A walking bridge in Port Coquitlam, BC had cellular antennas added to it several years go, but recently more were added.  Considering the location is right beside some homes, it was obvious that the levels there were of a concern.  Upon arrival to measure the RF levels, the levels were not too bad down at […]

Itron Introduced New Smart Meter Solution

 JANUARY 28, 2015  KATHLEEN TRACY Itron has launched a new smart metering solution that features the OpenWay CENTRON 4G LTE meter, which provides broad territory coverage, low latency, and network longevity. The OpenWay smart grid solution enables utilities to deploy any combination of cellular and RF mesh communications, including 4G LTE, all under the same network management […]

Bradner residents oppose cell tower proposal

by  Alex Butler – Abbotsford News posted Nov 7, 2013 at 9:00 AM A proposed cell phone tower at 6738 Bradner Road has raised concerns for residents of the west Abbotsford community. Miriam Helter, who lives on Bradner Road, told city council on Monday that much of their community is opposed to the building of a tower. The 50 metre proposed […]

Insurance Companies Won’t Cover Cell Phone Brain Tumor Product Liability Lawsuits

The insurance industry has refused to provide product liability insurance on cell phones primarily due to this concern as they fear that cell phone litigation may turn out like tobacco or asbestos litigation did with huge punitive awards.   THE NATIONAL | Sep 21, 2010 | 3:10 Cellphone safety questions Some insurance companies take the […]

FraserView School Antennas Removed The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s Fifth Estate Program, from the February 9, 1999 segment entitled “Cone of Silence.” …The cellular company approached the school board and what they made an arrangement to do was to put transmitters and receivers on top of this 85-year-old school in exchange for annual rent. MALAREK: How much money are we talking here? […]

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