Archive for category 5G

Calgary – 5G Facial Recognition Cameras Deployed

5G Facial Recognition Cameras Already Being Deployed in Public Spaces. The video is of shuffler site in downtown Calgary, Alberta and the site includes 5G attennas and facial recognition cameras. NCA tried to video the public space, but a security guard for the area said that filming is not allowed without permission. From the manufacture […]

Hundreds Of Birds Found Dead On Cruise Ship Open Decks

Apr 25, 2020 Hundreds of birds were discovered dead on a cruise ship open deck by the crew, yesterday morning. A crew member who wishes to remain anonymous recorded a video of the sight which appears as if the birds had dropped down dead from the sky. There were many birds flying around the ship the night […]

Study Shows Direct Correlation between 5G Networks and “Coronavirus” Outbreaks

Source : April 24, 2020 At last, the first study has emerged regarding the very clear relationship between “coronavirus” outbreaks and the presence of 5G networks.  Thanks to Claire Edwards for making this available in English Study of the correlation between cases of coronavirus and the presence of 5G networks Author: Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre1 […]

Patent for Cryptocurrency system : Human recognition and Wireless Communication

April 18, 2020     Microsoft Patent 060606 – Body interfaced digital currency What are the chances a device on the body that is used for digital translations would have a patent number 060606? Also, Microsoft patented this on March 26th of this year. The full patent id is WO/2020/060606.   “THE BLACK BOX (COMPUTERS) […]

Declassified 5G Document Released Before Anti-5G Campaigners Were A Problem

06/04/2020    Original Post from   Biological effect of Millimetre Radiowaves (mmWaves) – 1977 – declassified in 2012. Studies with with rats and 97 persons working with generators of the mmWave range on the basis of systematic conducting of biological analyses. 5G Declassified Doc Page 1 5G Declassified Doc Page 2 5G Declassified Doc Page 3 […]

Rogers partners with University of Waterloo on central Canada’s first 5G network

Network is not accessible to the public, but Rogers plans to deploy 5G for consumers in 2020 5G has a been hyped for years by technologists who predict that it will lead to revolutionary advances in autonomous driving, smart cities, robot-assisted remote surgery and more.  James McLeod December 20, 2019 5:00 AM EST Oil-Sands Workers […]

COVID-19 is a condition of Oxygen Deprivation

Bombshell plea from NYC ICU doctor: COVID-19 is a condition of oxygen deprivation, not pneumonia… VENTILATORS may be causing the lung damage, not the virus Submitted by Dave Hodges on Sunday, April 5, 2020 – 08:58. By Mike Adams A NYC physician named Cameron Kyle-Sidell has posted two videos on YouTube, pleading for health practitioners […]

5G switched ON and behold dead DUCKS everywhere posted MARCH 31, 2020   Anglesey dead Birds ‘could have been fleeing bird of prey’ Jan 16, 2020 Hundreds of birds found dead on a road may have been killed trying to escape a bird of prey, police have said. More than 200 starlings were found dead on Anglesey on 11 December. One of […]

Dr. Anthony Fauci writes that Covid-19 is severe seasonal Influenza

Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE  – MARCH 26, 2020 List of authors. Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., H. Clifford Lane, M.D., and Robert R. Redfield, M.D. Article Metrics 12 References 12 Citing Articles The latest threat to global health is the ongoing outbreak of the respiratory disease that was recently given […]

5G Arrays & Satellites – Is the Sky Really Falling?

Arthur Firstenberg’s opinion on how 5G is effecting the health worldwide, worth reading.   Is the Sky Really Falling?    

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