Smart meters present health risks

Published: June 22, 2011 Dear Editor: In July of this year, B.C. Hydro and Fortis will embark upon a $1 billion plus venture to replace every analog hydro meter in the province with a wireless smart electrical meter. For consumers of electricity, who face up to a 50 per cent increase in their electrical utility […]

Risky meters

BY LEONA SUTHERLAND, THE PROVINCE JUNE 22, 2011 As a customer, I am appalled that B.C. Hydro is installing Smart Meters throughout B.C. this summer. I will not allow this dangerous technology into my home. Serious problems with smart meters, including increased fire and theft, higher monthly bills and privacy issues, are being brought to […]

B.C. Hydro ‘Smart’ Meter Program a Billion-Dollar Risk to Public Health

EMR Health Alliance of B.C. (EMRABC) For immediate release: Editorial: B.C. Hydro ‘Smart’ Meter Program a Billion-Dollar Risk to Public Health June 21, 2011 In July of this year, B.C. Hydro and FortisBC will embark upon a billion-dollar-plus venture to replace every analog hydro meter in the province with a wireless ‘smart’ meter by […]

Dear Premier Clark, Hon. Mr. de Jong, Dr. Kendall,

On May 31, 2011, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer’s 31 international scientists officially classified microwave radiation from wireless devices a 2b carcinogen. This is major news! All of those gadgets which have become essential to our lives, and which surround us 24/7 might cause cancer. Thousands of studies done by […]

Smart Meter Sensitivity

by Linda R. Floyd, Salt Spring Island – Island Tides (page 6) June 16, 2011: – Dear Editor: Since mid-February, when we found out about BC Hydro’s plans to replace all disc meters with a new technology called smart meters, my husband and I and many other neighbours, friends, and acquaintances have been going through […]

Organizing Smart Meter Resistance Across International Borders by canary in the wireless mine Saturday Jun 18th, 2011 4:50 AM The Smart Meter resistance goes international, as Joshua Hart, of the California grassroots group Stop Smart Meters, joins forces with Canadian anti-Smart Meter activists, on the Bmadd Show on CJSF 90.1FM, in British Columbia, Canada. (audio 51 minutes) Download audio: ssm_on_bmadd_61611.mp3 46.5MB […]

Parents debate Wi-Fi in Calgary schools

 CBC News Posted: Jun 16, 2011 12:47 PM MT   Last Updated: Jun 16, 2011 12:35 PM MT  Edmonton parents, including Greg Garbutt, tried earlier this year to convince trustees to back off on Wi-Fi technology in schools in that city. ((CBC)) The benefits of wireless internet outweigh any potential health risks to students, say some […]

Just Say NO to Smart Meters – Oliver

FORTIS BC – Oliver_June15_2011.pdf Just Say NO to Smart Meters by Agnes Sutherland Keep your home free of “smart meter” hazards by Judy Nicholas

BC Hydro Chief regarding Smart Meters

Merrit Newspaper Editor John O’Connor  interviews BC Hydro chief project officer Gary Murphy, June 9, 2011. Includes comments on the fluctuating marijuana grow operation numbers BC Hydro has used in justifying implementation of smart meters, health concerns over the meters, possibility of using ITRON’s wired system, and implementation schedule. Pictured in the photo is Juan de […]

Meter emissions a WHO-classified carcinogen

JUNE 14, 2011 The more I learn about the Smart Meter Program, the more concerned I become, I regard the plan and the Smart Grid a willful attack on our health by the provincial government and BC Hydro. A number of reasons to be concerned about Smart Meters exist. There is also an inconsistency in […]

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