Archive for category Smart Meter

COVID-19 is a condition of Oxygen Deprivation

Bombshell plea from NYC ICU doctor: COVID-19 is a condition of oxygen deprivation, not pneumonia… VENTILATORS may be causing the lung damage, not the virus Submitted by Dave Hodges on Sunday, April 5, 2020 – 08:58. By Mike Adams A NYC physician named Cameron Kyle-Sidell has posted two videos on YouTube, pleading for health practitioners […]

Protecting yourself against 5G

As society adopts ever more wireless technology, we are increasingly bathed in high intensities of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Some EMFs are emitted by devices we own and use ourselves, but even if you refused to ever buy a cell phone or wireless router, you would still be exposed to ever-increasing amounts of EMFs, thanks to […]

Nova Scotia talks about Smart Meter Opt Out

Video from CTV Atlantic about Smart Meters in Nova Scotia

Ottawa pledges affordable Wireless

Canadians need to use wireless LESS not MORE, but the Canadian Government is wanting to make more money from 5G ( Yes Industry Canada makes money on Cell Tower permits ), encouraging cell phone providers to reduce the telecom prices in the next two years.  

EHT Takes Historic Legal Action Against The FCC

Appeal filed after the FCC refuses to update their 24 year old wireless radiation limits.  Washington, DC – A group of scientists, consumer health nonprofits, and citizens filed a historic legal action against the FCC for its refusal to update its 24-year-old cell phone and wireless radiofrequency (RF) radiation guidelines. The legal petition contends the […]

Telus plans rollout of 5G network using Huawei technology

Chinese component maker accused of stealing state secrets and being an arm of Chinese government CBC News · Posted: Feb 13, 2020 Telecommunications company Telus Corp. says it is planning to roll out its 5G network in the near future using some technology from Chinese component maker Huawei. CFO Doug French told The Financial Post newspaper in […]

London, Ontario might sign a two-year pilot project with Rogers to install 5G network devices

By Shruti Shekar@shruti_shekar JUNE 24, 2019 The City of London could sign onto a two-year pilot project that would involve Rogers installing 5G network devices at three locations throughout the city. Mat Daley, the city director of IT services, said his department is pushing the city’s politicians to “give the green light” on the project […]

Google, Facebook, Neuralink Sued for Weaponized AI Tech Transfer, Complicity to Genocide in China and Endangering Humanity with Misuse of AI

By The AI Organization December 19, 2019 Google, Deepmind, Alphabet, Facebook, Tesla, Nearalink, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sandar Pichai, PR Newswire and John Does This is the most significant and important lawsuit of the 21st century, and it impacts the entire world. CEO’s and Founders Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, Larry Page […]

IBEW strikes at Ledcor over fibre optics staffing

Union reps say workers want protect their wages from future cuts and guard against an industry that increasingly makes precarious work standard practice   Stefan Labbé / Tri-City News OCTOBER 2, 2019 09:35 AM The strike has spilled out onto the intersection of Broadway St. and Mary Hill Bypass in Port Coquitlam Photograph By STEFAN […]

5G Rally in Victoria BC – International Day of Action GLOBAL 5G PROTEST DAY SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2020 Victoria, BC         Check out more of the 240 5G Protests around the World

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